Looking Forward to RE5?


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Anybody really excited for this game? I know I am, and it will be a must buy for me when it comes out Friday.

Still debating on whether or not the collector's edition stuff is all worth it or if I should just buy the normal copy which is $30 cheaper.

Anyways the game looks pretty good, I haven't had a chance to play it yet but I've heard good things so far.
Great game no doubt, but like alot of other games it's single player online with not much replay value (unless you like playing a game over n over) so i'll wait until price drop just like other great single player games (Bioshock).
I just changed my mind

With Toys R Us giving a $20 giftcard with RE5 purchase and rumors swarming after Capcom leaked trophies that their maybe more online gametypes with a DLC including:

Team Slayers
Team Survivors

I hope Survivors is like Horde Mode on Gears 2 or Left 4 Dead because that would be sick. Here is the link and also if you click the link you see the leaked trophies


though im not sure it's really a rumor, it sounds more like fact though Joystiq didn't provide a link
resident evil had a horde mode type game. and 5 is definately going to have it too, i saw a little clip in a video i was watching.
For me
It seems to be mostly for online co-op
I probalby will get it but its not a day one buy for me
As someone who has not got Gold, I'm quite glad that this game also comes with an offline co-op mode too.

I'm really looking forward to it. The controls have been slated by many people who played the demo, but I actual found that the demo itself started on type D, rather than the RE4 inspired type A. Although I would prefer to switch the X and the A buttons around.

I'm a bit disappointed that a lot of the workings and even sounds have seemingly been lifted straight from RE4. Also not sure on the Outbreak style active menu. I mean I understand what they were trying to do with it, I'm just not convinced it will be a positive addition.

I'm getting the collectors edition. Looking forward to playing it with my fiance, whom is a total RE4 nut (although we both lement having to go back to non-Wii controls for this game).
Versus sounds like co-op to you Darkprinny? Also a trophy saying you need to defeat 100 players using physical attacks.

Either way with the $20 giftcard, I would buy it with or without any online.
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I just changed my mind

With Toys R Us giving a $20 giftcard with RE5 purchase and rumors swarming after Capcom leaked trophies that their maybe more online gametypes with a DLC including:

Team Slayers
Team Survivors

I hope Survivors is like Horde Mode on Gears 2 or Left 4 Dead because that would be sick. Here is the link and also if you click the link you see the leaked trophies


though im not sure it's really a rumor, it sounds more like fact though Joystiq didn't provide a link

That sounds really good, hopefully 360 gets something similar soon. If not my friend has a PS3.

I'm glad March break is close, I finally have time to game now without work and school in the way.
it has mercinaries mode, similar to suvival, so doubt they will add a horde mode too.

also mercinaries mode has co-op. like team survival.
i am certainly stoked for this game, the demo left me with the urge to buy this at launch, but killzone 2 took all my gaming budget, so it looks like im going to have to wait a little under 2 months after release to get it, as a birthday gift
it has mercinaries mode, similar to suvival, so doubt they will add a horde mode too.

also mercinaries mode has co-op. like team survival.

survival mode is a little bit like horde mode, survive as long as possible in horde mode and kill as many zombies as you can in survival mode before the time runs out. yeah their different but still similar enough to compare IMO
Capcom confirmed the new DLC and they are charging $5 for it :/

So im not buying the DLC until I see some videos of how it works, but we'll see

Also on another sad note the game isn't get spectacular reviews and have actually ended up more average/mediocre with a score of 85 so far with G4TV gaving it a 6/10.

I'm still buying but I think i'll end up like RE4 better because from what I have read it's turning more into an action shooter and less survival horror. Kotaku even said half way through the game it turned from a Silent Hill type game to more of a Tomb Raider/Uncharted... That's gonna be weird...
Capcom confirmed the new DLC and they are charging $5 for it :/

So im not buying the DLC until I see some videos of how it works, but we'll see

Also on another sad note the game isn't get spectacular reviews and have actually ended up more average/mediocre with a score of 85 so far with G4TV gaving it a 6/10.

I'm still buying but I think i'll end up like RE4 better because from what I have read it's turning more into an action shooter and less survival horror. Kotaku even said half way through the game it turned from a Silent Hill type game to more of a Tomb Raider/Uncharted... That's gonna be weird...

Copule of things,
Might buy the DLC.
GOING TO PICK MY COPY UP IN 5 MINS :) yay cant wait.
i saw average of 85% aswell, and thought less than i hoped (as everyone was expecting spectacular. BUT 85% is far from average mediocre. which is around the 60% mark.)

ANd finally yeh disspapointed that its not very scary, but neiterh was resident evil 4 really.

i just hope onbe day they go back to REAL ZOMBIE. weve not got a real zombie horror game on 360. and havent had one for ages.

Left 4 Dead not really a PROPER Game, its one of my fave games every but its just pure fun, no story, also NOT scary.
that bikini zombie slayer crap is a joke.
and i dont know any other zombie games. is there one?
I know that in reality the average is really around 60 but how many games rated as a 60 were actually decent? Hardly any and that would depend on your own taste. Games rated 60 usually suck balls. By Average/Mediocre I mean "Decent". Usually decent games are around 80, the higher the better.

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