Lucas Arts Supports Wii

Jul 17, 2006
During Comic-Con 2006, publisher and developer Lucas Arts confirmed support for Wii during a Question and answer session. A Lucas Arts representative even hinted at a light saber game, when they compared the controller to a light saber.

Every nerd in the world compared the Wii-mote to a light saber when first seeing the controller at the Tokyo game show last year, but its great to hear a Lucas employee say it, after all they are the ones that can make a star wars game. Whether this game is being developed or even being thought about is not know yet, and it is not even know if the game will in fact let you even use a light saber in it, but if they don’t they will be robbing millions of people of there childhood dream of being a Jedi, after all this is the closest anyone with they mind in the real world will get to using one.

This also got me thinking, if you have ever been into a big arcade in the last 5-10 years, you must have seen one of those really cool looking star wars games where you are in First person mode as Luke using a joystick to control a light saber in that final fight against daddy Darth. Well if you have ever played it, you will know they really were not any good at all and in fact quite boring, badly made and does not feel like a light saber and all. Before you all get really scared, you have to remember that’s its an arcade game, so its short and I doubt that much was spent on production of it, but it does show if this game isn’t made well it could really turn out badly.

I hope that Lucas Arts keep the game in 3rd person like they have for the latest star wars games, but it would be extremely cool if you could switch to a first person mode and the game went into slow motion so you could then block bullets better, because after all if they were traveling at normal speed then most people wouldn’t be able to block them, because after all we are not all Jedi’s sadly. It will be great to see what Lucas can come up with as far as interesting boss battles go, and i would also like to see some new modes in the game where perhaps u can use different camera views like one that uses a close 3rd person camera angle for example.

Well there are a couple of ideas from me, as you probably are, I am really exited to see how this game will work, what camera views will be used and how they will do things like general gameplay with the controller will work because after all if they make the game free controlling (the character does what you do with the controller) it may not work well as people may just swing it everywhere and it would be to easy or just not work.

O and I nearly forgot, this is a message to Lucas Arts on behalf of everyone in the world. GIVE US YODA

WiiPlus will keep you updated.

Sounds pretty awsome because who doesn't wanna grab a saber and go dark side on some jedi ass, help lucas does a great job
this got me thinking when it metioned an arcade couldn't nintendo make large competitions in arcades or something you bring your wiimote and play other people in games like red steel, or if nintendo eventually get rights they could have gta game or saints row
MMCD said:
this got me thinking when it metioned an arcade couldn't nintendo make large competitions in arcades or something you bring your wiimote and play other people in games like red steel, or if nintendo eventually get rights they could have gta game or saints row
Hmm that sounds like one crazy idea! I never thought of seriously using the Wii-mote as a futuristic device in arcardes! :lol:
well the GC used it's memory card in the aracades so why not
and at the competitions you give the people your friend code and they donate to you!
that would be ultra beasty
MMCD said:
well the GC used it's memory card in the aracades so why not
and at the competitions you give the people your friend code and they donate to you!
that would be ultra beasty
It could be gaming at it's best! I hope Nintendo still has plenty of more things to tell about the wii-mote and it's capabilities.
Homicidal_Gamer said:
Yeah, well just have to wait until September, and well see all of the Wii-motes final secrets!
E! True hollywood story ...... nintendo wii,
You think you know,you have no idea,this is the E! True hollywood story of wii
Out mario and zelda and red steel, star wars will be the real game that makes the wii looks better and... using a wii-mote as a light saber is the best combination!

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