I was thinking of purchasing Madden 08 or maybe Live 08, but was curious of how many people are online? On a side note I was also wondering how people are on MOH2.
not much people on madden 08 man i was disappointed.. id wait for blitz tho if you like to tackle a bunch of people easier!! its hard to tackle in 08 nd that got me disappointed..
and for MOHH2 well... ders alot of people online!!! dats goood too and the controls are awesome so i suggest you get that game!
i heard live sucks big time. madden is fun with people and stuff, but id wait to see if blitz is online and see its scores you know? god, i wish they had nhl 08 for wii
madden is fun, online isnt the greatest but i like it, as for live, i think its decent, the online capability on live is better then on madden, there are usually a good amount of people online everyday
I think most people who play Madden online have X Box.
Anyway, I just went and tried online with the Wii, and there was a terrible lag. Is it always like this? Are all the games like this? I havent purchased MOH:H2 or BW2 yet, and wanted to know if there would always be this huge lag...
The Madden 08 on xbox live sucks. I dont know what they did to it, but it has a big delay online. Has nothing to do with host, its like that every game. I think Madden is the only sports game that wasnt rated real low on Wii. (EA that is) I never checked Fifa though I know NBA Live 08 was REALLY low. Bad controls, I personally think 3rd party games shouldnt always include wii-motion sensors. Then again, I guess they dont have a choice because of lack of buttons. Wii-motion sensors dont always work good with all games.
There is a bunch of lag on Madden 08. I'm a Madden addict, though. Now becoming addicted to MOHH2. I would recommend MOH over Madden unless your a big football fan.