Madden 08, the "bang for your buck"...?


Welcome to the Good Life
Aug 14, 2007
Wii Online Code
Hi I have a tough decision between Madden 08 and Mario Galaxy. I'm a huge football fan as some may know... I'm even on my high school's JV Football team. But I heard a lot of bad things about Madden 08 and wondering if it' good. Because I know I will beat SMG and get bored of it eventually. But do a lot of people play online at Madden 08? Is it really laggy, if so how much. Does it take forever to set up/ play a game online?... NEED HELP PEOPLE!:confused:
it's not laggy

it's just that people leave the game during the middle of the game if theyre losing that bad lol

so let em catch up and they will feel good about themselves then kick their ass!

but yeah it's a good game
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Yea thats cool though mainly I will like to play Wii Chat players. but is there a lot of people that play online? By a lot I mean 230 +?....
no, there's not so many people that play online, certain times it takes ten minutes to connect to a game, and its EXTREMELY laggy, about a second behind at ALL times, every game. in short, do not buy this game for online play, the one player is pretty solid though, oh and galaxy is a great game
When I play madden I can connect to a game instantly. The lag is bad, but the controls are very good. Theres about 80-100 people online at time. At least, when I go on, which is any time between 3 to 10 EST. Or anytime on weekends you can find that many people online.

I honestly dont know what all the hype is about SMG, but I havent played it yet. I would recommend Madden, especially since you are a football fan. I was addicted to Madden for a good month or two, and sort of still am, just now I have MOHH2.

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