Mario Kart Online question


WiiChat Member
Feb 1, 2007
Last night I played online in a 2 v 2 grand prix.
2 people on each console.

Trouble is, both our cars are named Paul (me) and both theirs were named Dean (obviously his name.
Is there a way of making the individual cars named as per the user ?
E.g In my case our cars would be Paul and Jane not Paul and Paul


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Well, you guys cant chose the same mii that has the same name :/
Thx for the reply but I am not convinced you totally understand what I mean.

If i am playing an online team game, red v blue. 2 on one console and 2 on another.
Only the main person, in my case paul, shows up on both cars. an this be changed ?
ok, i do not think there is a way to change it..... depends, do you choose a mii or a character?
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ok, i do not think there is a way to change it..... depends, do you choose a mii or a character?
We choose characters

We can choose different characters, but our names stay the same
well, you cant change your name then... but im pretty sure who is who, and change names
you cant change the way it is.... unless you get to chose each persons name,
which i dunno
when having 2 on the same wii, both players will be named by the name of the file. player 2 can choose a different Mii to change appearance but thats about it.

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