I've Been Looking Everywhere For A Offical Release Date For Mario Kart Wii In The Uk And I Just Get 'Spring 2008' Does Anyone Know The Offical Release Date For It? Thaankss
It does have a release date, and it's not summer. It has officially been announced by Nintendo that Mario Kart Wii will come out in Spring time. So maybe around Brawl, or some time afterwards.
I bet it will come out in either May or June, probably increase their summer sales by a few million with tons of Wii-owners off from school breaks (and senior Wii owners recovering from their breaks).
I'd be very surprised if we got this before August 08.. And for the UK-ers.. November 08. (Of course, I also thought it was ridiculous that people thought Brawl would be released in 07.. but what do I know?)
What's making me mad isn't really that they have no release date; it's that fact that the last time they released information on it was way back in JULY! I really want to get some gameplay videos, or at least pictures, or something!