That woulde so cool I wonder If there going to make Jump blocks this generation Because If they Don't that would be messed up seriously I always
get excited to see the new Mini Games When I first Got Mario Party 3 I wondered what nice Mini games theres gonna be but the second time like 2 or 3 years later I got it and forgot all the Mini games.
the first one for the Wii will be fun, but im not looking forward to the next 13 they make in the same year.. Whats the point of buying Mario Party when there is a better one coming out in a month or two?
i think that mario partry on the wii would be cool because they could utilize the wii-mote and also the connectivity of the ds to the wii, they COULD use the microphone AND touch screen of the ds too, it'd be cool, Many mini games on the mario wiiparty