Metal Gear Solid 4 Coming to Wii!

Fox MattCloud said:
wat? 360 got some good games dead rising, lost planet, viva pinata, perfect dark zero, to name just a few, so dont talk rubbish

Well ya it has some good games but i meant I dont think anybody looked at those games and Said thats why i am buying a 360 for many it was Halo 3. I cant think of many Exclusives, they only i can is Halo 3 and timesift? i know theres a few more but nothing Huge like halo 3, for others consoles they have 4 or 5 " halo 3s" coming out this year. Which is bad news for the Xbox. The 360 really needs some great exclusives. Ya it has some but none that are blow your mind games. i would certainly like mine more if there were some. Xbox one certainly has some, like psychonauts i love that game. well this is getting way... off thread topic..