Nintendo Encyclopedia
So I found this article last night and thought.... are they serious? Have a read: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/119/1192308p1.html
In short, it's an article pretty much trashing the Zelda games against Skyrim. Which I usually would say 'everyone is entitlted to an opinion'. However it is this bit which made me think, have IGN not actually play OoT?
Correct me if I am wrong -
Green = Normal
Blue = Breath like a fish!
Red = Heathproof!
Anywho, thought I would share as it made me quite confused :confused5: !!
In short, it's an article pretty much trashing the Zelda games against Skyrim. Which I usually would say 'everyone is entitlted to an opinion'. However it is this bit which made me think, have IGN not actually play OoT?
As cool as it is to get new tunics, what if changing those colors, and perhaps all armor and accessories, was a routine part of the game? Maybe different outfits could alter some of Link's core attributes like health or speed?
Correct me if I am wrong -
Green = Normal
Blue = Breath like a fish!
Red = Heathproof!
Anywho, thought I would share as it made me quite confused :confused5: !!