My Very Very Sad Story...(may make you cry)

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WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2006
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Omg Toys R Us Suck!!!!!! Never Go There For Games!!

I Live in UK, I Went to Toys R Us as they said they were selling them at 8:00am, I arrive there at around 6 and around 7:30 they start giving tickets out saying they have 44 to give out, I got my ticket about the 38th one.

They sed that they wud have a bundle for £240 bundle in when i rang the day before. So i bought that much with me, then it turns out they only have £290 bundle with 3 games. So i get a £290 ticket they gave out, call my dad so he can come pick me up and give me extra money so i can get one, he gets there and they start saying they have sold all the wii's...i couldnt believe what they had done to me :(

I'm not sure what to believe atall...all i know is if they hadnt lied to me in first place about nothaving £240 bundles in i could of bought straight away and not wait for my dad...

I really thought i was promised a wii, and i couldnt believe i didnt get one...I feel cheated out of everything and i got nothing but "im sorry" from the person issueing them out.
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WiiGod said:
I think myne is worce...he actually has a wii and got to play on it :(
I just get screwed over at every opportunity

That 'he' is me.

So your saying that have a seizure is not worse? I could of died if my mum wasn't there to call the ambulance.

Son of a ***** do you have no sympathy at all, good god.
WiiGod said:
I Live in UK, I Went to Toys R Us as they said they were selling them at 8:00am, I arrive there at around 6 and around 7:30 they start giving tickets out saying they have 44 to give out, I got my ticket about the 38th one.

They sed that they wud have a bundle for £240 bundle in when i rang the day before. So i bought that much with me, then it turns out they only have £290 bundle with 3 games. So i get a £290 ticket they gave out, call my dad so he can come pick me up and give me extra money so i can get one, he gets there and they start saying they have sold all the wii's...i couldnt believe what they had done to me :(

I'm not sure what to believe atall...all i know is if they hadnt lied to me in first place about nothaving £240 bundles in i could of bought straight away and not wait for my dad...

I really thought i was promised a wii, and i couldnt believe i didnt get one...I feel cheated out of everything and i got nothing but "im sorry" from the person issueing them out.

The trick is to go ahead and go in and pick it up, whether you've got the money or not.

Then wander around the store for a bit until your money gets there.

That way they can't sell it aft you've already got it.
you had a ticket,isnt that like a guarntee?well i have a story alittle like yours.
ok so i call walmart on the 18th(a night before the wii launch)they tell me they will pass out tickets first come FIRST serve right,i get up on a sunday at 5 o clock get to walmart lots of people in line set down have nice chat with the peoples around me,7:30 they start passing out tickets(this is the sucky part)they tell every one they will have 20 wiis (too low a number)guess what i dont get a ticket,they pass out two tickets to one guy,and not just one guy but others too,i was devastated,i was number 23 out of 20,if walmart knew anything from the ps3 they would have thought this **** out,worst of all i had to go to the bathroom everyone was closed except walmart,bathroom was being cleaned and i couldnt enter,worst of all they were selling the wiis next to the bathroom so i was forced to watch the one thing i wanted most of all,watching people walk out of the store,and buy games for it was the thinhg that made me really devastated that cold california sunday morning.but i learned something that day "never buy a gamesystem on launch day without pre ordering,and i went to a store called "walmart"unless they have half a brain of knowledge(sorry if i spelled it wrong,half asleep)so anyway nver goto toys r us cause well they specialeze (again ,half asleep)in toys,ill never buy a system from any store again unless it has the word game in its name.
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Silent-Sniper said:
That 'he' is me.

So your saying that have a seizure is not worse? I could of died if my mum wasn't there to call the ambulance.

Son of a ***** do you have no sympathy at all, good god.

You cant have a go at someone for not knowing that they were talking about themselves when they didnt say that...

But that was really unlucky mate but it surely couldnt of had something to do with your wii otherwise why the hell would you go back to playing it?
Most people would stop if something like that happened.

And you talk about sympathy but your first reply being the fact that you have beaten me or something, really if you showed sympathy like you wanted to be shown then you would of shown understanding for how a wii has hurt me but it has hurt you also and then explain what happened to you.

This is leading off topic now i guess i just wanted people to be warned that what they did to me is really bad customer service, therefore I would personly recommend not going there, and wherever you go be prepared for a shock perhaps like myne
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psychono2 said:
you had a ticket,isnt that like a guarntee?well i have a story alittle like yours.
ok so i call walmart on the 18th(a night before the wii launch)they tell me they will pass out tickets first come FIRST serve right,i get up on a sunday at 5 o clock get to walmart lots of people in line set down have nice chat with the peoples around me,7:30 they start passing out tickets(this is the sucky part)they tell every one they will have 20 wiis (too low a number)guess what i dont get a ticket,they pass out two tickets to one guy,and not just one guy but others too,i was devastated,i was number 23 out of 20,if walmart knew anything from the ps3 they would have thought this **** out,worst of all i had to go to the bathroom everyone was closed except walmart,bathroom was being cleaned and i couldnt enter,worst of all they were selling the wiis next to the bathroom so i was forced to watch the one thing i wanted most of all,watching people walk out of the store,and buy games for it was the thinhg that made me really devastated that cold california sunday morning.but i learned something that day "never buy a gamesystem on launch day without pre ordering,and i went to a store called "walmart"unless they have half a brain of knowledge(sorry if i spelled it wrong,half asleep)so anyway nver goto toys r us cause well they specialeze (again ,half asleep)in toys,ill never buy a system from any store again unless it has the word game in its name.

Hmm...quite hard to read with lack of punctuation and spacing but i managed lol, i see where your coming from not quite as worce as myne because my friend was with me and he got one...because i was still waiting for my dad to get here while he bought his :( so i had to watch him buy it and then sit with it in the :(

And i do believe the ticket is a guantee, and that is exactly what i thought at the time but there was nothing i could do if they have none left, i was apolagised to OMG WOW! lol and i took some details down and i plan to complain :cornut: I got up at 5AM just to be told i cant have one...I've got a pre-order that i did but it keeps getting delayed :( lol i cant wait...soon i shall have a wii :p (play on words :D)
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WiiGod said:
You cant have a go at someone for not knowing that they were talking about themselves when they didnt say that...

But that was really unlucky mate but it surely couldnt of had something to do with your wii otherwise why the hell would you go back to playing it?
Most people would stop if something like that happened.

And you talk about sympathy but your first reply being the fact that you have beaten me or something, really if you showed sympathy like you wanted to be shown then you would of shown understanding for how a wii has hurt me but it has hurt you also and then explain what happened to you.

This is leading off topic now i guess i just wanted people to be warned that what they did to me is really bad customer service, therefore I would personly recommend not going there, and wherever you go be prepared for a shock perhaps like myne

I didn't say it was because of the Wii, I ain't epileptic.

In my first reply I was getting at the fact that you are putting "may make you cry" and crap when all it is really is another "OMG I DIDNT GET MY WII TOYS R US SUCK!!!!111"

On topic, you should of reserved at Game Station :)
yes i understand but my bladder was full,i ended up getting pissed at walmart(no pun intended)and i went over to there loading space and pissed allover there door lol
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Silent-Sniper said:
I didn't say it was because of the Wii, I ain't epileptic.

In my first reply I was getting at the fact that you are putting "may make you cry" and crap when all it is really is another "OMG I DIDNT GET MY WII TOYS R US SUCK!!!!111"

On topic, you should of reserved at Game Station :)

Well i changed the title as much as i can, and i thought it was worth a try at Shite r us and i guess it was but it didnt go quite to plan, And b the time i decided to pre-order it was about 22nd november and i chose to pre-order at and it just says "awaiting stock details from nintendo"

I Thought I if i ordered on a just online only store then the chances are higher because not everybody has the ability to use internet, but i pre-ordered to late and im paying the price lol...Soon i should get it lol

Rofl at pissing on the door :yikes:
*Hugs WiiGod* Well, I feel sorry for you! Don't worry, you'll get one. Next time, make sure you take more money than you think you need. Toys R Us are greedy gits, though. Everywhere else sells them as consoles and then you buy extra games. It's a way of forcing people to spend more money than they may want to.

And Silent-Sniper, stop bitching. If you don't like the thread, don't read it. :)
Silent-Sniper said:
That 'he' is me.

So your saying that have a seizure is not worse? I could of died if my mum wasn't there to call the ambulance.

Son of a ***** do you have no sympathy at all, good god.

Your story sucks. . .his was better. Quite being a baby.
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