My Wii Died - Won't play disc games


Jan 17, 2007
South of Seattle
So my Wii started making an awful racket when I inserted games discs, beginning last night.

By this morning, I am trying multiple different game discs and they are all kicking out the same "error reading disc, eject disc and turn off power" error message.

No dice. No luck. The thing is useless to me except for VC games now.

Thankfully, I live less than 30 miles from Redmond, Washington. Still is going to suck to have to ship it in and potentially not have it for up to 3 weeks.

Anybody else run into this problem?

My best guess is that my son putting in games discs upside down has somehow upset/damaged the disc reading laser somehow.

Anyone else?

Chewie said:
My best guess is that my son putting in games discs upside down has somehow upset/damaged the disc reading laser somehow.

No, that's not it. The laser is just a light that shines, it doesn't care what it's shining on.

You mentioned that it was making a loud clatter. Sounds like the disc loading and/or spinning mechanism is broken. If it can't get the disc all the way in position or spin it, then it can't read it.
yeah thats probly it cause you can still use your wii for VC, send it to Nintendo and they'll fix it
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Demon Slayer said:
yeah thats probly it cause you can still use your wii for VC, send it to Nintendo and they'll fix it

Exactly. And the shipping label is already on the way.


P.S. Thank heavens for the native English-speaking customer service people employed by Nintendo. I was expecting nightmare call-waiting times and then some dude in Bangalore...

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