My wii wont let me connect

this is a pretty low-tech possible solution, but i know for others this has worked in the past, if you have ur wii plugged into a wall socket, then there should be at least 3 "light switches" on ur wall, one for the actual light, another for a celing fan or other device and one for the power in that room, a lot of homes have this nowadays, so if you do have this, then hit the switch that controls the power for that room, it is some saftey thing that the electric and power companies are doing as a way to break up the electricity into seperate circuits to prevent house fires, another thing is, if you have ur wii plugged into an extension cord type thing with a little red switch on the side, flip the switch off and then turn it back on in about 30-45 seconds, which is the same as just unpligging ur wii from the wall or whatever, just give it a few minutes, it seems low-tech but Nintendo still has a lot of bugs to workout in their wireless internet servers, they are new to the whole wireless internet so it might be a few years until they get it idk, maybe this stuff will work, maybe it wont, but it wont hurt to try...and wlcome to!

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