New Laptop!


WiiChat Member
Jul 3, 2006
I need some advice you guys. I saved up about 600 dollars for a new laptop (old one broke) and I don't really no anything about laptops (my mom bought my last one). I was hoping you guys can recommend me one.
I'm pretty much going to use it for web-surfing, word processing, some simple editing of movies and photos, and some light gaming. It has to be light & slim since I travel a lot.:yesnod: :wink: :smilewinkgrin:
I'm selling a Sony Vaio on eBay... I would tell you to buy it, but, it's broken. xD

Sony Vaios are realy good, so are Macs.
i would try to get one w/ a core 2 duo proc, there way beter than pentiums

and that computer would NOT be good for gaming, it has an integrated graphics card which is ****
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pizzaluvr said:
i would try to get one w/ a core 2 duo proc, there way beter than pentiums

and that computer would NOT be good for gaming, it has an integrated graphics card which is ****

My cheap ass graphics card is capable of playing heavy games of warcraft 3, which is abuot medium-gaming, heavy gaming is like all settings with F.E.A.R. and i know that graphics card is better than mine.
whats your graphics card?? is it o a desktop? if it is then it's better because integrated ones use the cpu to make the graphics, and share system ram etc. it's especially bad on a lappy because they normally don't have very good procs
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Sovieto said:
Here, I made this to your needs, it should be able to handle light gaming, well, maybe medium-gaming. So here it is. Under $600! I customized it myself to what I would think you like.

If you just want to make one yourself, start here:
Thanks Sovieto, I just might look into it.
But does anyone know where I can get a cheap macbook or a used one for 600 dollars or under. Because I heard that you can have both Mac OSX and windows xp on it at the same time and that would really help me.:aureola: :smilewinkgrin: :yesnod:
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Laptop problem solved!

Ok, I couldn't find a low priced macbook so I'm going to buy the Dell laptop that Sovieto customized. The specs are perfect for what I'm going to do with it, so laptop problem solved. I guess you can used the thread for talking about laptops or desktops or whatever.
Cool, I think I am going to be getting a Lapy soon. I was thining the 12" Dell XPS withthe 256 MB Video card. I use Macs at home for doing audio work but I am going to be using the laptop really just for surfing, word proc, lots of gaming, and VERY little Audio Editing as I hate doing real work on PCs.
Supermariomp3 said:
Ok, I couldn't find a low priced macbook so I'm going to buy the Dell laptop that Sovieto customized. The specs are perfect for what I'm going to do with it, so laptop problem solved. I guess you can used the thread for talking about laptops or desktops or whatever.

Basicly, when your "light gaming" having other programs up, like browsers, AIM, and along thoes lines, it might make it slower, or not. I'm not 100% sure but all graphics cards these days can handle games made atleast 1.5 years ago. Glad I could help! :yesnod:
pizzaluvr said:
i would try to get one w/ a core 2 duo proc, there way beter than pentiums

and that computer would NOT be good for gaming, it has an integrated graphics card which is ****
I think one of those would cost way more than 600, lol.
Sovieto said:
Basicly, when your "light gaming" having other programs up, like browsers, AIM, and along thoes lines, it might make it slower, or not. I'm not 100% sure but all graphics cards these days can handle games made atleast 1.5 years ago. Glad I could help! :yesnod:

yes, but the computer you recommended doesn't have a gfx card
but it doesn't have a gpu, or dedicated memory, it shares off of the systems allready low 512 mbs, and the systems proc, which is pretty crappy to

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