New Side-Port Discovored

Fierce Deity

Hero of Wind
Jul 7, 2006
South Carolina
New Side-Port Discovored!!!

There is a new side port that sombody on a differnt forum found, i read about it on


i attached a jpeg


  • wii-side-port.jpg
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WOAH! that is awesome i wonder what it is!?

it reminds me of the different ports on the bottom of the gamecube; life for the gameboy port or internet adapter..? i wonder..?
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THIS IS BIG NEWS! this COULD BE the "SECRET" nintendo has been hiding!!!!

this is the first time I have seen the right side of the wii....EVER!
wow that is really small...are you sure it's not a photoshopped pic, like the one with the camera? I'm hoping for some secret too, but it seems like people are starting to look awfully hard. Someone on the comments on the link FierceDiety speculated maybe it was a way to lock it securily to the stand. Someone else thought it could be a slot for the DVD compatibility thing you have to buy so it can play DVDs.
Hmmmm? Wouldn't that port, if it's really a port, be blocked when Wii is on in the base? Maybe it's where Wii clicks, or slides into the base?

Also, I noticed on this picture, the base has a v-shaped divot near the rear, on the inside, which would be on the same side as this new port. Wonder if this divot and that port are related?
Am I the only one that thinks that this is the SD Card slot? Its the perfect size and shape for an SD card.... plus, in images of the top view, there is no slot for the SD Card, so it would be logical for it to be on that side, near the back...

There is the image of no SD Card slot.... Lets not get too excited over little things.

- Scythe
I'm not deciding on anything till I buy the wii and examine every little inch of it.:D
Scyther said:
Am I the only one that thinks that this is the SD Card slot? Its the perfect size and shape for an SD card.... plus, in images of the top view, there is no slot for the SD Card, so it would be logical for it to be on that side, near the back...

There is the image of no SD Card slot.... Lets not get too excited over little things.

- Scythe

The SD card slot is on the front, not where you are claiming it to be.

check here to see for yourself:

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