New VC game out!


WiiChat Member
Nov 24, 2006
Wii Online Code
super star soldier by hudson soft for turbo grafx
Only one??? They got my hopes up of getting some truely "classic" nintendo games and then smashed them to smitherines!!! Do I here a chat saying "Mario! Mario! Mario!" ?
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Now ecco the dolphin and golden axe are out..

i agree about the nintendo games.. i was looking forward to some super mario brothers
i'm sure theres more yet to come as well for the week. They still owe us a bunch of "launch" titles. They consider right up until new years to be the launch window but rather than 15 games every monday I think they'll trickle in here and there until the new year before it starts being a regular, once a week update.
I think they're doing this as a way to build us up in anticipation. I'm pretty sure they know that some of us out here are waiting for certain titles. They're just gonna build us into a frenzy, til' they finally drop the games we want into the VC.

Though I'm at a crossroads on whether to download an oldie, the original Legend of Zelda (that thing took me 5 years to beat it!).
weazol said:
Now ecco the dolphin and golden axe are out..

i agree about the nintendo games.. i was looking forward to some super mario brothers

Actually I think Nintendo is quite stratageic in not releasing every single Mario game on the Virtual console. You already got Super Mario Bros. 64, Mario Bros. and Wario Woods at the moment. If they happened to release every "Awesome" game at one time, then how would they up it? Personally, I expect a couple Mario games to come around a month before the launch of Super Mario Galaxy.
I'm hoping that we may see a free classic Mario for the release of Galaxies, even if it just a pre-order deal, or a Nintendo VIP stars offer.

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