New Wiimote Info From IGN!!

dude I don't want them to rush though cuz what if it turns into a disaster like the ps2 did and have a billion bugs to try and beat everyone else out so I totally wanna play it but I want it to be worth it so I want it to be either late nov or early dec that an I need to save for it and I can't start till after oct 8/
Sry, ninjade, but I want it to come out late Oct. or early Nov.: 1. because my bday is early Nov. 2. I can't wait another dam minute!!!!
nice find, I've been out of the loop for a few days, and will be again (I'm going on vacation). It's always nice to hear stuff from a reliable source where pretty much everything said is true. I'm getting pumped.
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ninjade said:
dude I don't want them to rush though cuz what if it turns into a disaster like the ps2 did and have a billion bugs to try and beat everyone else out so I totally wanna play it but I want it to be worth it so I want it to be either late nov or early dec that an I need to save for it and I can't start till after oct 8/

ninjade, as far as I recall, there has never been a major bug or problem with any Nintendo console, ever.

They always make quality products, so don't worry too much.:D
Yeah, especially when they're making their "next generation" console, if they were to make a bugged console, it would have been a long time ago & especially not now.
NateTheGreat said:
Also, with that synchro thing, does anyone think you'll have to do that everytime you completly lose power, like in a storm?

And that whole thing with the battery power displayed by those 4 lights at the bottom of the Wiimote; if it only shows the amount of energy left when you first turn it on, how will you know when you only have like 10min left of battery??

What do you guys think?
1. I don't think you will have to reset it often. "non-volatile" memory means that the information is not lost in the absense of power. The memory in the controller is non-volatile and in the console is flash memory, which is also non-volatile
2. Maybe it'll be like the DS and the SP and the light will change colors when you hit critical.
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Reading this there seems to be places to store memory everywhere with the wii on cards in controllers in the console evrywhere
yeah I doubtthere will be bugs that's why nintendo rules I was just saying that for an excuse to wait longer and save more cuz I'm also buying my friends one but I can't get a job till after marching season but damn I want to play so badly 8(
this thread delivers haha sorry everyone was saying so I felt left out haha oh but someone was saying in another thread that it would be a good idea if they made a docking bay for the wii with wiimote charges on the side of it but the whole just get four batteries is a great idea also I should do that with my wavebird

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