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Jun 19, 2006
Wii Online Code

An stadistic made in the E3 shows that the Wii is the winner of the consoles just look at it

Do u think its true or its just a rumor?
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motherbrainrulez said:
arcadium do you mean statistic? Maybe you should get a dictionary
Can u sh** up I can commit grammar error cause I can speak 2 languages and what about u??? at least I speak 2 languages and english is not my first one and pls don't answer my post I don't know whats ur problem with me...:tard:
The chart looks real enoughf tome. It does add up to a hundred. Of course he Wii and PS3 is going to be over the X-BOX 360. as people already know all about the 360, but the other 2 still have secerets. Even if one of them is a crap copy of the other.......
well, I like the look of the statistics, but at this point everything is speculation based on what they think the market might do, it hasn't happened yet. But I wouldn't be surprised if that was pretty acurate.
Dav_4550 said:
well, I like the look of the statistics, but at this point everything is speculation based on what they think the market might do, it hasn't happened yet. But I wouldn't be surprised if that was pretty acurate.

I thought it was just a poll taken at E3 for which system people prefered?
arcadium i am going to stop having a go at you all the time because it gets me nowhere and makes me more annoyed.I hope then that we will get along better. Anyway we are all here to talk about wii so lets stop arguing.
oh, it probably was. Crap, sometimes I don't think about stuff. Oh well, hopefully everyone can forgive me. :)

At first I thought it was an estimated market representaion of the new consoles, but your way makes more sense.
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Octogon said:
I thought it was just a poll taken at E3 for which system people prefered?
I think thats the best asnwer, since thats a E3 stadistic, maybe they asked everyone which was their favorite console or they just counted the lines maybe

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