NOOB Needs help Wii Balance Board


WiiChat Member
Dec 25, 2009
Hi All-

Got the family a wii weeeeeeeeee its fun :)

Have a question about the balance board. Is wii fit plus the only disc that works with the balance board or are there other exercise options to use with the board?

Is there more Yoga discs we could buy that use the balance board?

thanks for the help!
there's also two shawn white snowboarding games and skate it. SWS: road trip is good.
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thanks for the info. so there are only three discs for Wii Balance Board?

Is the Balance board worth it?

Do you know if there are other good yoga discs to buy? I guess if there are and they dont work with the Balance board then I dont need it? If I want to be able to do yoga?

thanks again!!!
Balance Board compatible games:

Wii Fit
Wii Fit Plus
EA Sports Active
EA Sports Active More Workouts
Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum
Daisy Fuentes Pilates
Golds Gym Cardio Workout
My Fitness Coach
The Biggest Loser
Yoga For Wii
DDR Hottest Party 3
We Ski
We Ski & Snowboard
Shaun White Snowboarding Road Trip
Shaun White Snowboarding World StageSnowboard Riot
Skate It
Skate City Heroes
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
Raving Rabbids TV Party
Punch Out!!
Don King Boxing
Tetris Party
All Star Cheer Squad
Wii Music
Marble Saga: Kororinpa
The Incredible Maze
Rock 'N Roll Climber
Walk It Out
Super Monkeyball Step n' Roll (to be released in 2010)

There are probably more but that should give you some idea.

If you are after another fitness type of game then EA Sports Active is probably your best bet out of the ones available. It seems quite popular (has sold over a million already) and has gotten good reviews.

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