Offical Friend Code List

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Pwn'n n00bs since 1989
Nov 4, 2006
Wii Online Code
Just got my Wii, and it kicks ass. Lets exchange codes! Sorry forgot to post mine, I was all excited with my Wii! Mine is 0908 1940 6799 6591
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congratulations on getting the wii, are the fc's the same as ds?
Will add mine when i get one on UK launch, but for now, how many codes can you save on one console? Any ideas? The DS games had a limited amount.
chessaholic said:
Will add mine when i get one on UK launch, but for now, how many codes can you save on one console? Any ideas? The DS games had a limited amount.
20 pages times 10 slots per page. A lot.
When you have a Wii, yours is in your addresses and you add others so you can comunicate.
Umm Can we just add all the friend codes on the first post and who's it is :)
Anywho ill tell you guys as soon as i get a wii, Which won't be for a while(at least thats what i think so)
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