ok would this is pathetic


Oct 2, 2006
WII town
ok i know these two guys with only a gba no sp or micro just a gba no system to the tv and they have windows 98 and dial up connection would they be pathetic or wat
well maybe they dont get as much money as we do. Dont bash people who dont have certain facilities.
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phh watever its pathetic.... if u have meet them that u would laugh i am serious the guy didnt no wat a comboy was in games.. and he thinks he is a gamer...phhh
Why would you waste your time giving a f*ck about what other people don't have?

I think a sadder person would make a thread that's based around looking down on people for their lack of money and material goods.
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Maybe they have the money but just don't need to be spoiled like all us. Seriously, we all have stuff we don't need.
Have you ever thought maybe pwn4life is the "two guys who dont have blah blah blah" Pwn4life is just releasing his anger, its alright buddy you'll be able to afford the Wii.
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phh lol i have a paper route i work for my money ( i am 12) besides my spelling skill are fine... and these kids think they are master gamers.... nad they take temper tandrems alot and they cry like babies and they are 10.. and also they got there advance in 2001. and only have 7 games for it.... it is pathetic besides u are preety much calling them poor
pwn4life said:
they take temper tandrems alot and they cry like babies and they are 10.. and also they got there advance in 2001. and only have 7 games for it....

Well their TEN YEARS OLD! No wonder why... Give them a break and pick on someone your own age

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