online games?

Wii Believe

WiiChat Member
Aug 23, 2006
Bourne, Lincs, England
i would be very interested to hear wot online games u think will come out on the Wii, or which 1's u want

i would personally love counterstrike, but i dont know if it's microsoft exclusive :S

timesplitters wud also rule :D
BATTALION WARS 2! YAH WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! HOO HOO HOO HOO HOOO HOOOOOOOO! Woooooooo! I hope theres a fun like, battlefield 2 type gameplay, where you choose a pilot, a machine gunner, or any of the units (pilots will have to wait for planes to spawn then get in them) or like drivers for vechicles, and you can only control 1 guy at a time, that would be so fun, then you riase the flags and stuff with your teammates (up to 5 people can bring down then raise a flag, the more the faster) maN!!! I LOVE YOU BWii

oh but anyways, i would like to see a star wars lightbsaber game go online, WHO IS THE REAL JEDI MASTER IN THE WORLD!?
WoW :(

I've been clean for 3 months and feels GREAT.. but i still get the cravings.

Edit: sorry i completely misread your post, thought you wanted to know what online games people played :lol:
i0n said:
WoW :(

I've been clean for 3 months and feels GREAT.. but i still get the cravings.

Edit: sorry i completely misread your post, thought you wanted to know what online games people played :lol:
Ahahaha! Same for me, Just canceled my subscription...again :p. Ive got that damn game since it released...Collector edition even! Its so addictive :(
WoWs the devil! I probably wont buy the expension since its releasing at the same time as the Wii, and anyway they all messed up the Lore !
Oh well back to the Wii now, enought of that drug already :p.

Id like to see a MMORPG (like it says in my sign). Or just FFCC Online. But that wont be on the release, sadly :(
(ahaha, another MMORPG to get addicted to! Yay! :D )
LMAO i0n i tell my friends their to obsessed with WoW and they say im to obsessed wtih Wii but i say its different becuase its a SYSTEM and man your a perfect example of what theyll become. my one friend isnt going to sleep till sunday night because we just had our first 3 days of school and he needs to make up for all the time he lost on WoW
Kherrek508 said:

its all rumors (the mmo one)
In the last issue of EGM, they published Some Nintendo Wii info in the rumors section:
Square Enix is working on a MMO Mana Wii game
*Rumor* Square making a Secret of Mana MMO for Wii?

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