

WiiChat Member
Aug 26, 2006
This is a make or break on me buying Nintendo Wii over 360 and PS3. Is it going to have online gameplay like Xbox Live and Play Station Online? I know they are going to have an online setup to order N64, SNES, NES and GC games, but will you actually get to play online with others? And if so, will the service itself cost anything (Like Xbox live being 50$ a year, but PS2 Online being free)?
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  • #3
is it going to cost money to play online? im expecting the headset to cost some cash, unless the controller has a mic in it to, that thing can do absoloutly everything else.
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  • #5
holy **** dude! is it going to have a hard drive too?
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  • #10
jesus man. are the graphics going to be awsome too?
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  • #12
and one last thing, are the games 50$ or are they going to be 60$?
most likley $50, the guy said he couldnt imagine any first party title being over 50, but thats the retailers choice really, but sites like bestbuy have all of the games at $50 alreadyy.

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