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Hello every body with recent adventures through differnt forums i have come across a common want or desire, and that is a differnt color wii and wiimotes.
Well we all know you can go out and buy those sylicone cases for the wiimots, and that gets part of the job done right there. For those that want to take it even further than that i have compiled a group of websites that will help you with your need.
For those that don't want to take your wii apart we have decal girl. on this site you have tons of custom skins to chose from to make your wii differnt from others.,233.htmn
For those that are not afraid to take the wii apart we have another site that give you the choice between red,black,blue,pink,purple,silver,and clear cases. It also comes with changeable dvdlights so you can change the standerd blue light that comes on when you get messages or pop a game in.
Then you have those that want to take it to the next level and have the case thats similar to custom made computer cases with neon lights and other things.Teamxtender is here to help you.
For a site that has some of all three and more
PS: There is a site that i ran into but cant find anymore that has cases that you clip on over the wii that change the color without having to take the wii apart if someone can find that and post it that would be great.
Well we all know you can go out and buy those sylicone cases for the wiimots, and that gets part of the job done right there. For those that want to take it even further than that i have compiled a group of websites that will help you with your need.
For those that don't want to take your wii apart we have decal girl. on this site you have tons of custom skins to chose from to make your wii differnt from others.,233.htmn
For those that are not afraid to take the wii apart we have another site that give you the choice between red,black,blue,pink,purple,silver,and clear cases. It also comes with changeable dvdlights so you can change the standerd blue light that comes on when you get messages or pop a game in.
Then you have those that want to take it to the next level and have the case thats similar to custom made computer cases with neon lights and other things.Teamxtender is here to help you.
For a site that has some of all three and more
PS: There is a site that i ran into but cant find anymore that has cases that you clip on over the wii that change the color without having to take the wii apart if someone can find that and post it that would be great.