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Sep 22, 2007
Kansas City
Wii Online Code
Hello every body with recent adventures through differnt forums i have come across a common want or desire, and that is a differnt color wii and wiimotes.

Well we all know you can go out and buy those sylicone cases for the wiimots, and that gets part of the job done right there. For those that want to take it even further than that i have compiled a group of websites that will help you with your need.

For those that don't want to take your wii apart we have decal girl. on this site you have tons of custom skins to chose from to make your wii differnt from others.

For those that are not afraid to take the wii apart we have another site that give you the choice between red,black,blue,pink,purple,silver,and clear cases. It also comes with changeable dvdlights so you can change the standerd blue light that comes on when you get messages or pop a game in.

Then you have those that want to take it to the next level and have the case thats similar to custom made computer cases with neon lights and other things.Teamxtender is here to help you.

For a site that has some of all three and more

PS: There is a site that i ran into but cant find anymore that has cases that you clip on over the wii that change the color without having to take the wii apart if someone can find that and post it that would be great.
Nice site find dude, I want to get either the red or black case and the black stand.

Will probably get a red OEM light aswell. It'd look pretty damn good afterwards.
Thanks for the list of sites...

i knew about them already but never thought twice about it... my son tryed forcing a game into my wii a while back and when i tore it down to fix the bent pins the power button got jacked on the faceplate and now doesnt work without using a wiimote... not that big of a deal but i think i will replace the case with something cool just to fix that problem...

hmm but what one to pick? i wish they had a retro replacement case instead of just the skin.
Thats what im thinking... it will match the other nintendo systems too... all of them are black and grey... except the green n64 ill fix that soon enough...

so im thinking a metalic black with the stock silver base will look good...

although id really like the transparent case and base with matching trasnparent wiimotes and chucks....


not sure if i wanna drop that kinda cash though...
ya i know... i actually have a couple nintendos :lol: :lol: :lol:


i had n64 when it launched with the plain old black n64... at that time my buddy got really into nintendo and me being a collector and enthusiast, i decided to help him out and gave him my original n64 and bought the DK special...

but now as im getting older and into the HD stuff more it kinda clashes with the rest of my entertainment setup, and i cant just hide it in an entertainment center anymore...
so DK n64 edition is going to get packed up and shipped to the garage or attic with the other collection pieces from over the years, and i bought a plain jane black n64 with grey controller to replace it and fit in more with the setup...
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Dont remember saying it was new news. I was just giving websites that had differnt options for those that wanted to customize there wii. I have known about these sites since original xbox, and have shoped a couple for xbox and psp, now that my warrenty is expired on my 360 ill be getting one for it as well as my wii.

The wii outselling the other consoles is old news too but nobdy gets tired of hearing about that.
Thanks for those links! It's very useful to have them all together in one post!
The only problem with them is the skins are stickers.

If they were the plastic parts that you put on the outside of the Wii...I might have been interested.

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