Please allow me to introduce you to my wiiness


WiiChat Member
Sep 14, 2006
:lol: I've been trolling these boards, on and off, since E32006. Now, today, in light of the NOA announcements regarding pricing and release date, I figure it's high time to jump aboard and introduce myself. :ihih: I'm 28 years old and live in the great state of mind that is otherwise known as Ohio. I'm a former lapsed gamer having burned out on video game playing during the transition between the 4th and 5th generation of game consoles. I've previously owned ATARI, VECTREX, COLECOVISION, NES, GENESIS, GAMEBOY, SNES and, finally, VIRTUAL BOY--sadly enough--was the last home console system I'd purchased for myself. Because my younger brothers are all gamers of varying degree--and were getting old enough then to purchase their own consoles at about the same time I quit buying--I played a good amount on the PS1 and Nintendo64--before going off to college (1996-2001) where I didn't really play much except for whenever I was hanging out with friends who were playing multiplayer games. --<:FLASH FORWARD TO NOVEMBER OF 2004:>--- It was getting close to my birthday and having held a decent job for a couple years (Managing a Fitness Clubhouse...and am still here typing this right now on the clock lol) I was browsing the net, looking for something unique, to buy for myself. It was on that day I discovered the Nintendo DS. Of course, Big N had announced it months and months earlier, but you have to understand that while I'm tech savvy--at the time, video gaming was almost completely off of my interest radar. I took one look and was like, "holy sheet, this IS THE FUTURE right here!" I didn't even know about the PSP until I started doing further research online and I started coming across all the pre-release phanboi flamewarz blogs but the PSP did not impress. Weak battery life and rehashing all the PS2 games--that I never cared for anyway--did not appeal. TWO SCREENS, however, did. Nintendo released the DS two days later and I bought one. After playing Mario64, Metroid 1st Hunt and Ridge Racer for a couple days, I went back to the store and bought two more DSes. I kept these sealed and between turkey day and x-mas I toyed with the idea of throwing them up onto ebay. I could've made a couple hundred bucks had I sold them but I held onto them and--slick:aureola: thinking--I opened the two still sealed ones on x-mas eve 2004 and charged'em before wrapping all three and taking the lot home on christmas morning where, as you can guess, my three younger bros were more than just a little bit suprised. Christmas day, they played DS until the batteries were dry on all three units. Having already played with one for a month and with no new killer app games available, I waited until April 2005 before I bought myself the blue I returned like 5 days later to get ANOTHER blue DS but with Mario64 included. Thank goodness for 30 day NQA returns. ;) About this same time, my girlfriend moved in with me bringing her xbox in tow. We played it so little that I ended up boxing the box back up and right after I got my girlfriend a DS for her birthday I convinced her to let me sell the xbox on ebay while it was still worth something (this was pre-xbox360 release) so we could buy DS games with the money. So we got more DS games and haven't regretted it one bit. All of this was back before anybody knew that the DS was going to be a hit too. So, yeah, I purchased a total of 6 Nintendo DSes on gut feeling alone. As you can guess, I'm totally psyched for Wii. I feel like Nintendo and I have come full circle with my gamerhood. With Virtual Boy being the system caused me to lose interest in console gaming and it took the offspring of GAMEBOY to bring me back into the fold. Irony? Maybe so, maybe not. At any rate, this being my 1st post, I wanted to say, "Hello, Yah'll," and tell you a little bit about myself but now I'm starting to feel like I've long since passed the TMI point so, yeah, "hello everyone, good to meet'cha." :ciappa:

Warmest Regards, the Bus
Wow these introduction threads keep getting better.

Pleasure to have you here cBus :)

Especially like the part about the Xmas gifts for your younger brothers, i bet they were pretty stoked on that morning :D

Anyway, welcome to the forums and i'll catch you around.
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i0n said:
Wow these introduction threads keep getting better.

Pleasure to have you here cBus :)

Especially like the part about the Xmas gifts for your younger brothers, i bet they were pretty stoked on that morning :D

Anyway, welcome to the forums and i'll catch you around.

Wow, thank you, iOn....I was refreshing your 'live' thread of the NOA announcement so much so you really should take credit for me choosing to join these boards. In fact, I TRIED to list you at my referral (sp) when I joined but I wasn't allowed. FYI: I just wanna say I do troll a lotta boards (on a huge variety of subjects) but 'tis rare for me to join one, however, when I do join a board I try my best to commit myself to helping cultivate the growth of that particular digi-community. And it was your commitment, more than anyone else, which caused me to decide to join these boards.

Peace and Play on!, cbus
bravo, my friend. like you, i had lost all gaming interest until i heard about the wii. i was impressed beyond words with the way nintendo was "revolutionizing" gaming with its innovation and boldness. welcome aboard, my friend.

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