Post your Wii Funds


Wii would like to play
Sep 9, 2006
Wii Online Code
Post how much funds you have right now.

$200 (I will most likely get $50 the 30th for my birthday, though)
i just preordered twilight princess, and im getting the wii preorder as an early holiday gift =) . also, im gonna ask 4 nothing but giftcards and cash 4 the holidays, so i can buy a few other games.
i think about $330, +5, +30 for selling my gamecube, +my job im working at during autumn,

eek im in a tight spot, my mom said she would let me stay home from school if the wii comes out on a school night the day after, so i can play it all night and what not, but my cousin said if i dont miss any school (if you havent found out yet im the person who skips every other day of school) she will buy me a video game for the Wii, and the only way she will excuse a missed day of school is if im like REALLY sick, to the point i cant go to school. so yah help! do i spend all night playing wii or get that extra game?
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Sovieto said:
i think about $330, +5, +30 for selling my gamecube, +my job im working at during autumn,

eek im in a tight spot, my mom said she would let me stay home from school if the wii comes out on a school night the day after, so i can play it all night and what not, but my cousin said if i dont miss any school (if you havent found out yet im the person who skips every other day of school) she will buy me a video game for the Wii, and the only way she will excuse a missed day of school is if im like REALLY sick, to the point i cant go to school. so yah help! do i spend all night playing wii or get that extra game?

Get the game :D
You can play Wii after school, but a game is better
My bday is in Novemeber which is around the time I think the Wii is meant to come out so it will be an early/late birthday present!
I have about 700 bucks. That should be enough! But that is also needed for birthday and christmas gifts. So I plan on buying a wii, possibly the dvd player thing as well if its out, Twilight Princess and that is all. Then I can buy presents for everyone and ask for stuff for my birthday and christmas. My birthday is december 4th!
my birthday is nov. 21! i dont know, my mom dosent give me much for birthdays anymore, maybe i will get a controller or possibly an SD card for VC games
Im gettin mine for xmas (if theres any in stock) so my parents will buy it for me but ill be able to save about £80 between now and then 2 buy a couple of extra games/accesories or whatever.
i paid off SSBB, LoZ:TP and when i can preorder im gonna pay that off in full so thats about $350. also i might buy an extra Wii mote and im getting SMG for xmas
*sigh*... $50...(everyones reaction::yikes::yikes::yikes:)

I'm Gonna Sell My Gamecube And A COuple Of DS Games...That'll Give Me A Boost!

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