Recommended...reading, listening, viewing, etc.


WiiChat Member
Jun 30, 2006
The Blackhole
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Alright, I don't know if this will be a good thread or not (I like the idea, that's why I'm trying to start it) but I was thinking that people could put lists of some of the stuff that they're into, or finished and would recommend to another person. I'm always searching for new things to do, so this might be good. :)
And try to be respectful to others opinions too.

I'll start

Movies: Young Frankenstein (It's actually a comedy)

Music: Angels and Airwaves (very good, kind of like U2, but with Tom from blink-182 as singer). Wolfmother (for anyone who likes an older rock sound, from a new band)

Literature: The Hand of Thrawn Triology, The Hand of Thrawn Duology (Star Wars books by Timothy Zahn). Ender's Game and other related titles by Orson Scott Card. Maus, a graphic novel by Art Speigleman (true story of his father growing up as a jew and being captured by Nazi's, very unique character representation, the mice are jews, the cats are Nazis.) And INVINCILBLE, a comic book by Robert Kirkman - probably my favorite ongoing comic.

Sorry, I know it was long, but I think this could be cool. Let me know.
Me turn these are my most recently finished
Movies : Fearless (jet lees last good film and a kinda true story)
Tv : I watch tv wtf
Anime : Makai Senki Disgaea
Music : I tend to listen to planet rock(.com)
Books : Any thing by dougles adams (hitch hikers guide)
Comics/Manga : Rurouni Kenshin
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has anyone read any of the "Wheel of Time" books, I think that's what they're called. I was wondering if they were any good, I was thinking about picking some up. Good idea?
Movies: Fearless, Pirates of the Carribean: Dead's man chest, Citizen Kane
TV:Family Guy, Futurama
Music: U2, RUN DMC, Jay-Z, Nas, Aerosmith
Books: Night, THe Kite Runner, To kill a Mocking Bird, Siddartha, A Separate Peace, All Quiet on the Western Front, A lesson before dieing..... (I'm a big reader)
Film: Battle Royale, Apocaypse Now, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange.
TV: Simpsons, Monkey Dust, Babylon 5, Lost, Family Guy.
Music: I like too many artists to name them all, but I'm mainly into post-rock, electronica and indie rock.
Books: Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's guide "trilogy" (I don't read much).
Dav_4550 said:
Literature: The Hand of Thrawn Triology, The Hand of Thrawn Duology (Star Wars books by Timothy Zahn).

You mean, the Thrawn Trilogy (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command).

Movies: The Star Wars Saga (Attack of the Clones and The Empire Strikes back being my favorites out of the group), Stargate. Pirates of the Caribbean (The Curse of the Black Pearl and Dead Man's Chest), Jurassic park trilogy, Ghostbusters, and many others.

Music: Orchestra music (mainly John Williams), Linkin Park, Bon Jovi, Deep Purple, Metallica, and hype songs (that are usually affiliated with sports) such as Eye of the Tiger and The Final Countdown.

Literature: Science Fiction and Fantasy Books. Books from the Star Wars Saga (I'm a Star Wars guy, obviously. Vector Prime, Star by Star, and the Thrawn Trilogy are among my favorites), Ender's series, Chronicles of Narnia, Dragonkeeper, and others.
Dav_4550 said:
has anyone read any of the "Wheel of Time" books, I think that's what they're called. I was wondering if they were any good, I was thinking about picking some up. Good idea?

Yes they are awesome! I read the first six books and haven't had time to start the next. Definately the best fantasy series I've ever read, way better and easier to understand than Lord of the Rings. All the WoT books are really long, but it goes by pretty fast, so don't let the length scare you. Robert Jordan is my fav. author

A good movie I just saw was Bus-147...its a true story about a bus that got hijacked. What's so awesome is that ALL the footage from the movie is from news cameras so there is no acting whatsoever, its pretty awesome. Only bad thing is that its in Portugese and you have to read the english subtitles, but its a great documentary
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Recent Reads that are highly recommended:
The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon
Red Dwarf - Grant Naylor
Ubik - Phillip K. Dick
1984 - George Orwell
Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
Shogun - James Clavell
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert Heinlein
-this should be recommended reading for everyone, it will change the way you look at the world.
wow, where to start, most of mine have been mentioned but I'll put them up as another good mark for them

movies: star wars, lotr (prolly the best book to movie ever), last samurai, v for vendetta, indiana jones, hitchhiker's guide, king arthur, cars, superman returns, pirates of the caribbean (both)

tv: stargate sg-1 & atlantis, smallville, family guy, futurama, american dad, mind of mencia, numbers

books: all the star wars books (70+ last time i counted, as mentioned before the ones by zahn are superb, also the novelization of revenge of the sith blew me away), lotr, hobbit, wheel of time series, sword of truth series (another large fantasy series, a bit more mature than wheel of time), cryptonomicon, da vinci code, angels and demons, digital fortress

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