Red Steel 4 Player Split Screen

Since the screens are gonna be smaller I wonder what impact that will have on your targeting during gameplay? Hmm
awsome lol just knock somone in a sword fight then kill them when their guards down, or face each other in the room and act it out XD
Kumoriken said:
It'll feel kinda weird to maneuver your Wiimote in that small little box. X_x;;

I have a simple thing to fix that.

Just get a 100" TV, so you actually get 50" to play in. =D
kj-fivetweezy said:
ok i have got to kno were u got that signature pic vid thing ok. and id like it if u would tell me were u got it!

Made the sig myself :D The video is from Red Steel's latest trailer.

Looky at my sig thread: here
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Ryuhi said:
Since the screens are gonna be smaller I wonder what impact that will have on your targeting during gameplay? Hmm

I saw in a video showing off Red Steel and explained a bit of the mulitplayer. He talked about it but didn't show it off though. If i can remember correctly, the guy said that when aiming, you use the whole tv screen and not the little box you see. So you aim as if that little screen took up the whole screen. imo, it feels kinda awkward and if it's in the final version i guess i could adapt to it.
Mcclane said:
Now only add wifi functionality and it'll be perfect :D Since it can't be there when the Wii launches I really hope they will make it available through wifi later. A lot of developers would do the same if they see Red Steel doing it I think.

Nintendo isn't allowing 3rd Party developers to even start WORKING on Online components for games until January of '07. Which means we won't see a 3rd party online game until at the very least March.