Red Steel Stuff


Unofficial WiiChat Helper
Jul 20, 2006
Athens, AL
Wii Online Code
I'm a huge Red Steel fan already lol and i was wondering if someone could design a red steel my space profile theme and a sig with a little animated movie like some people have for rayman, snake, and sonic.


heres example of sig

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meh probly but i sure wish there was someone good with web layouts who could pimp out my profile with red steel stuff :(
Link_of_Hyrule said:
I'm a huge Red Steel fan already lol and i was wondering if someone could design a red steel my space profile theme and a sig with a little animated movie like some people have for rayman, snake, and sonic.


heres example of sig


Wowzer.. :lol: this kinda shocked me.. I don't have a clue how to make myspace profile themes :wtf: i might make u a sig another day but tbh right now i cant be arsed :lol:

And to the NeMeZyZ (think thas right) who said I have to much time on my hands I don't :lol: only takes about 1/2 hour - hour to make em.. which i do in the evenin whens there nuthin on TV cept Eastenders (which is brilliant btw ;) lol)
cud you make one too plz wiired it would be much thanked for my theme always link could you make me TP plz with wolf link on the pic

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