S-Video Vs. Component on Standard Def. TV


WiiChat Member
Dec 21, 2006
I realize that on a TV capable of outputting 480p you would need the component cables. Would there be any noticeable difference in picture quality on a standard definition TV using the S-Video cables over the component cables? My reasoning for this is that I can leave my PS2 hooked via component cables and hook up the wii to S-Video. If not I can always get an S-video cable for the PS2 or just switch the cables when I want to change systems.
It would definately look better, but it wouldn't be too dramatic on an standard def TV. You would be better off buying a composite AV switcher to switch between consoles. I use a RadioShack 4-way switcher to switch between my set top box, DVD, and VCR in my lounge. $25 AU (less in USA I'm sure) and it works a treat.

Best part is, this will also take audio, not just video, which will solve the problem pointed out by Goots
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So you guys are saying that if I can get the component cables I should because it will be better than the S-video on a standard def. TV?
OdinsFury said:
So you guys are saying that if I can get the component cables I should because it will be better than the S-video on a standard def. TV?
I'd say yes, go with the component for Wii and just get an s-video cable for your PS2. Although, to tell you the truth, I bought s-video for my original Xbox and it made the picture look way better compared to the standard composite. Then I realized I had component inputs in my 27" flat screen tube TV, so I got component cables and seriously, I didn't notice much of a difference between the two. So really, it wouldn't be a bad thing to go with s-video for Wii except that you won't be able to get progressive scan (or the closest you can to it on a standard def TV, 480i) nor true 16:9 widescreen, but I'm guessing your TV isn't widescreen. I'd just personally give the better inputs to the newest console, which would be the Wii in your case.
yeah dude the composite cables do make a diffrence because i had my wii hooked up the old fashon way but i went out bought a Hi Def tv and composite cables before i play zelda and it made the everything even the interface screen looks better than before. but too answer your question about if it makes a diff on standard i have no idea.
LLBChamp said:
yeah dude the composite cables do make a diffrence because i had my wii hooked up the old fashon way but i went out bought a Hi Def tv and composite cables before i play zelda and it made the everything even the interface screen looks better than before. but too answer your question about if it makes a diff on standard i have no idea.
When you say composite, do you mean component?:confused:
Maybe this will make sense.

Composite - All colors are together in 1 cable
S-Video - Colors are split up, but still in 1 cable
Component - Colors are split up, and in separate cables to eliminate interference
composite = comes with the wii. 3 plugs
component = you purchase this. enables 480p on hd and ed tv's. 5 plugs, 3 video 2 audio.
s-video = 3 plugs, 1 video, 2 audio.

best option is component, then s-video, then composite. go with whichever you can support.
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As mentioned in another thread I've got a 42" Panasonic plasma, it's not HD but supports edtv, the difference is like night and day since switching from s-video to component cables, whites are white, everything is sharp, yes you can see all the jaggies now but you can also read the really small text on screens/games - no longer fuzzy. :)
cool question but there is no point in buying s better cable if you tv cant support it and with the january sales coming up i am purcahsing a 50" (min) with hd support and progressive scan this is where the wii is briilant basically stops burn-ins on your tv by constantly refreshing the pixcel on your tv to keep them fresh also with the componet cable hooked up it will makes a difference, but not a big difference but a differnce never the less. if you not going to invest then be happy with what you got and be thankful for what you have. peace
unless you go dvi or vag or something simialar to that but when typing i just remebered you need a s-video cable or in this case what looks better. I use a DVI-I conveter. RCA to DVI-I so that way i can play on my LCD which supports 480p all the way up to 1080p.

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