Sailor Moon Is Coming To Wii!!

oo thats sssoo cool!!! i love sailor moon!!! but the english verison sucks -_-" i prefer the Japanese version!!
it rocks!!:wink: no wonder alot of amercians hate sailor moon the only seen the sucky version of sailor moon!! LMFAO!! if americans seen the Japanese verison they would love it!! XP

but i will defetly get this for my wii!!
[i thought that was some perverted hentai show?]
Didnt that show die yearrsss ago? unless they plan to bring the show back i dont think too many peeps got there mind on a game version now[when was the last time they gave that show? is that crap even still alive in america?]
To me the show was alright but the last episode of superstars SUCKS,all of them dies except sailor moon and starlight scouts.

i'm a big fan of sailor moon. I saw all the episodes except for sailor moon stars. If only it was in english.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
oh wow that sounds great! i used to watch sailor moon as a little girl early in the morning before school. i loved sailor mercury and sailor venus the best :)

in any event, you got an actual link to post for this? i know the site is there but if you got a direct link, that would be very beneficial :)

Ha ha ha. Sailor moon is probably the number one hentai popup I get at school. They don't allow Firefox with adblock plus there.... IE SUXx0r2:eek:ut:

But seriously, I have better things to spend my money on that Sailor Moon.
I have to admit that there was a very old Sailor Moon game which was quite good. It was a side-scrolling beat 'em up - like Streets of Rage - which was probably the reason I found it enjoyable...

I love Streets of Rage.

I've grown out of that anime, though, which is definately a good thing.
in touch with the wii said:
this willl not be as popular with boys the only anime that has lasted is dbz and it is nearing the end of its game cycle

Itll be popular with me as long as its a good game. :thumbsup:

and i gotta say i love sailor moon one of the best shows i watched when i was younger, lol i pretty much learned english from watching the shows when i first moved to canada
I love Sailor Moon ;D Just my favourit Anime -still :)


Watched every episode of it in german and japanese, didn't like the english dub though ^^