SD Card


WiiChat Member
Mar 13, 2007
Was it necessary to buy an SD card when I bought the Wii? Everything that gets saved on the Wii so far is being saved into the Wii's own memory. Is that normal? Is the SD card in case you fill the Wii memory up and if I want to transport my info to a friend's house?

Yes, even though the friend's house thing is a pain too. You could have searched for it in the search field on the right hand side of the page. There have been 3 threads on this today.
Brawny said:
Yes, even though the friend's house thing is a pain too. You could have searched for it in the search field on the right hand side of the page. There have been 3 threads on this today.

Oh boy...another search bar nazi...
Don't get me wrong, it's a pain in the ass when people ask the same stupid question twelve times in a row, but you've said this on 75% of your posts.
My god the Wii owns... said:
Oh boy...another search bar nazi...
Don't get me wrong, it's a pain in the ass when people ask the same stupid question twelve times in a row, but you've said this on 75% of your posts.

Yes, but I still answer the question unlike my fellow nazis. Sieg heil.
Im a search bar nazi, if thats what you want to call us. We are trying to keep a nice clean forum free of thousands of redudant threads. It isnt hard to type a few words into a bar.
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cannon said:
Im a search bar nazi, if thats what you want to call us. We are trying to keep a nice clean forum free of thousands of redudant threads. It isnt heard to type a few words into a bar.

It isn't hard to spell hard right either, but we all make mistakes. Just use the search before posting new threads in the future.
LoL didnt see that one, you got me there. Anyway people please try and use the search bar as often as possible.
Hey, you guys forgot the sieg heil!

To elaborate on the SD card thing, only if you want music on Excite Truck. I forgot to say that you can't save directly to the SD, even when the memory is full. (that is a LOT of games)
Having an SD card is the only way to get pics from your PC or camera to the Wii. I bought a 1 gb card for $40 not knowing whether or not I would need it. Better safe than sorry.
Oh my gosh!!! I assume that that is US dollars as you are from Chicago. I got my 1GB for $15.00.... You might want to return it and get something worth your money. (Mine is SanDisk btw, so it's not like it is some piece of crap)
Mine's a PNY card which is well worth 25 extra dollars.
Not really but it's not worth my trouble taking it back to Best (Worst?) Buy now.
Ooohh ouch. PNY's good. I think it wouldn't be worth it I guess. I never use best buy for anything anymore. The interwebs is you friend. NEWEGG ROX MY SOX.
lansaguy said:
Having an SD card is the only way to get pics from your PC or camera to the Wii. I bought a 1 gb card for $40 not knowing whether or not I would need it. Better safe than sorry.
Actually it's not the only way, you can email pics from your pc to the wii, but you have to send them one by one and if your internet connection is slow, then it may take a while. It is the easiest way though.

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