Using SD Cards to Save GameCube Games


Wii Gamer
Aug 14, 2007
I'm planning on playing GameCube games on my Wii, and I don't really want to buy a memory card and have an extra SD memory card sitting around... So I was wondering if I could save the GameCube games onto the SD card.

The reason for that is that when you play a Gamecube game, the Wii goes into "Gamecube Mode". None of the Wii's features will work, including the SD card. Even if you could use the Wii features it would need some added code to be able to write to and SD card. Gamecube memory cards are really cheap though. I bought one for like $5 at WalMart.
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Thanks for the help guys, this was my first post ever, this is a nice community from what I've seen so far :)
bballchamp said:
Thanks for the help guys, this was my first post ever, this is a nice community from what I've seen so far :)
Welcome to Wiichat! Unfortunately you do have to have a Gamecube memory card as others have said, but they are pretty cheap. Hope to see you posting around more.
bballchamp said:
Thanks for the help guys, this was my first post ever, this is a nice community from what I've seen so far :)
Your Welcome:cool:
I can't remember where I saw it, but there's something you can buy where you can transfer your gamesaves from your gamecube memory card to an sd card.Then you don't have to keep buying gamecube memory cards when you run out of space.

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