Selling Wii on eBay, going 360


Aug 6, 2006
Yup, hopefully I will get a good amount on ebay for selling my Wii, Red Steel, Zelda, Wiimote, and Nunchuk + the VC games and 500 wii points. I just dont feel the Wii is for me, I pefer traditional gamepads I found out. I guess im kinda tired of Nintendo games too, since I have my DS. I want to get enough to get a $400 360, and Gears of War, at the least! I love the Wii, its awesome, I just dont see myself playing this way for this gen atleast. To many of the movements just turn into wrist movements and well, its not what i wanted, i know great titles are coming but i think there are = if not greater titles for the 360. Please dont flame but give thoughts, its not the Wii, its me!
And after 1,644 posts on the WII MESSAGE
You need some serious professional help, my friend.

One thousand
Six hundred
And Forty-four posts

why do people post that there "goting to a new system" or "im selling my wii"
they know people are gonna flame about it whats the point its just a usesless thead to get people mad..........and.............1,644 posts!!!!!!! lol
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2stupid4u said:
why do people post that there "goting to a new system" or "im selling my wii"
they know people are gonna flame about it whats the point its just a usesless thead to get people mad..........and.............1,644 posts!!!!!!! lol
1645 now! well no, thats why i posted it in the 360 section, i was just looking for thoughts from people who own 360s and everything, you know, overall, i knew id get flamed a bit and if i put this in general wii chat it would gain about 10 pages of replies, obviously i over hyped it for myself, i cant game like this really, all these fun movements turn into simple wrist movements which dosent satisfy me,...GEARS OF WAR WAFHASkugasg
good call, i was all about to get a wii but now i figure i'm not really a wii guy, i'll just stick with my trusty 360, i'll get a wii eventually but not now
Im not going so far as to sell my Wii, but a 360 purchase in the future looks pretty promising to me.
i bought the Wii as kind of a secondary system to go with my 360. the 360 for more intense gaming and for playing online and my Wii for the times i just want to relax and play something that is about having fun and not how many times you can snipe someones head and have it explode like a smashed watermelon (although that is fun to see lol)
Well at least you are honest, i think all the consoles are worth it (except the psp) and i wish you luck in your new gaming adventure
Mitch2025 said:
i bought the Wii as kind of a secondary system to go with my 360. the 360 for more intense gaming and for playing online and my Wii for the times i just want to relax and play something that is about having fun and not how many times you can snipe someones head and have it explode like a smashed watermelon (although that is fun to see lol)

Kind of like me with my PC. I still use my PC for more serious gaming. Only CS:S and Crysis > 360 & ps3 combined.

And wtf was the point of this thread?
vagrant said:
Kind of like me with my PC. I still use my PC for more serious gaming. Only CS:S and Crysis > 360 & ps3 combined.

And wtf was the point of this thread?

Going with what Vagrant said, i use my PC as a main gaming machine (getting a totally new system in the earlier half of January:smilewinkgrin: ) for Counter Strike Source, Day of Defeat Source, and of course Guild Wars. And I will use the Wii as sort of a carefree game machine. But once SSBB hits selves ooooooooooooh **** im gonna be on my Wii like a rash.
I'm already addicted to the Wii because of Twilight Princess, but after that I might get a XBox 360 for some games, then probably 3 or 4 years from now I'll buy a PS4 if a really good game comes out for it.

I'm just a Nintendo kind of person, though. My PS2 is gathering dust, but I think I'm gonna play me some God of War today. =]]
vagrant said:
xbox360 is good for people who are both computer retarded, and poor.

Thats an interesting point of view....

Personally from a strictly monetary point of view Id think Wii would be the console you just described. Its cheaper and built for a child.....but hey its a matter of pov.
vagrant said:
xbox360 is good for people who are both computer retarded, and poor.
huh?lol your a f***** retard arnt you?the poor ?wtf?the 360 is like the ,middle system ps3 is too exspensive and wii is to cheap but 360 is just right.
viva la wii60

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