sensor bar issues, need options


WiiChat Member
Sep 26, 2007
I recently went from a 27" CRT to a 50" plasma causing my gaming distance to increase as well. I am now finding the cursor to be getting erratic flickering, and flashing between 2 different locations on the screen.

From what I am reading there are a number of wireless sensor bars availabe that allow a bigger range than the standard 3 to 8 feet, but these all require batteries, and the hassle of turning the bar on and off. There are also some homemade solutions that are either battery operated or require an AC adapter.

I was wondering if there are any solutions that any one knows of that would allow me to keep the convenience of powering the sensor bar from my Wii, but allow me to increase the range of the sensor.
(perhaps a way to power the NYKO wireless bar by using the wire that is powering the standard sensor bar)

Please don't suggest adjusting the sensitivity. I already tried that. I'm only about 12 feet from the sensor bar, and it seems to far for even the highest setting.
i had this problem also at a friends house..we got pretty pissed at it and decided to move the sensor bar closer to us by putting it on a coffee table in front of us maybe 5 feet away, worked fine, but still a hassle and shouldnt be like that. you should try centering the sensor bar, and also maybe your new tv has led for where the tv remote picks up a signal that maybe be interfering with it. im not sure why it doesnt work from further away, i wonder if nintendo ever thought about it, or we're setting up wrong? also have u tried to move the sensor above the tv and below it and mess with the senor bar placement settings?
well i think i know the solution. go bye a nyko wireless sensor bar. then place it near you and set the wii to bottom screen. this works because the wireless sensor bar can be 5ft away from the wii while you can be 35-40 away from the wireless sensor bar.
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I tried covering up the remote sensor on my TV, that didn't help at all. I guess since I play from the couch sitting, the bottom of the TV would be a little closer....I am not out of range by much. Thinking back I tried mounting upside down on the bottom of the TV, and that seemed to work better, but the sticky pads that came on the thing didn't hold it up for long.

As to getting the wireless one, I just don't want to deal with the batteries and manually powering it on & off.

Maybe my answer is some better double stick tape, or at least it is probably the first (cheapest) option to try.
If you want to keep powering the sensor bar from your Wii and put the sensor closer to you, you may get a sensor bar extension cable.
Sunlight messes with the Wiimote... if your facing a window or a windows is behind a sensor bar and the sun is shining, it will make ur wii mote do wierd things... i closed my blinds and its perfect movement again.
I bought a wireless one to replace the original that had a damaged cord. The wireless ones (at least the one I got) sure go through batteries fast. Not sure why since all it is doing is turning on a couple of IR LEDs.
The wireless ones (at least the one I got) sure go through batteries fast.

Seriously... My wired sensor bar snapped in two and out of laziness, borrowed my friend's wireless sensor bar so I could finish up the story of the game I was playing at the time. Went through four AA batteries in just two hours. Repaired the wired one immediately after discovering how absurdly inefficient wireless ones are.

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