Sensor Bar w/ HDTV

Time Sync

WiiChat Member
Mar 29, 2009
Prior to purchasing our HDTV, we had a standard TV that I had the Wii sensor bar at the top. I have tried putting the sensor bar at the top and bottom of our new HDTV, but it's off by like two or three inches. It's especially annoying when playing COD:WAW. Any ideas?!?
Prior to purchasing our HDTV, we had a standard TV that I had the Wii sensor bar at the top. I have tried putting the sensor bar at the top and bottom of our new HDTV, but it's off by like two or three inches. It's especially annoying when playing COD:WAW. Any ideas?!?

I'm going to make a couple of assumptions here:
1. You switched to a bigger screen TV?
2. You were able to aim with line of sight across the Wii Remote (or you were using the Zapper or another gun shell to play, and were aiming down the barrell)?

As far as point #2 goes, considering COD doesn't have a calibration for sight aiming (like House of the Dead Overkill does, so you can play without a reticule on screen), then you probably just lucked out previously that the aiming was lining up properly (of course that's assuming that's what you were doing, but then how would you know how far out the aiming has gone if you didn't have a reference by dong that). I use a 24" widescreen to play on, and the reticule has never lined up with sight aiming (unless I calibrate in House of the Dead).

As for the first point, you can't really do anything about re-adjusting it. The pointer is a triangulation calculation to approximate where you are pointing on screen, so if you are using a larger screen, then it will be interpreted differently. If you're using a larger screen now than before, then the sensor bar itself is further away from the center of the screen, so the approximation falls into a different point on the screen than before. Without an in-game calibration for pointing, then the calculation is the Wii's default calculation, which most likely is configured for a conservative/typical sized screen (I'd assume it would be for a screen size of about 20").

It has nothing to do with the TV being SD or HD, that won't affect anything, it's screen size that will change the cursors relative position.
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Thank you for your replies.

I had a 36-inch standard TV (which was lined up perfectly for COD) ... and now I have a 47-inch flatscreen TV.

I did switch it over to the widescreen setting in Wii Options. I guess you're right bradleyd, I was just lucky with how it was lined up w/ the 36-incher. I'm getting used to the difference, but just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
Time Sync, I believe you can go into the Wii settings and adjust the sensitivity of the sensor bar. Look in your Wii manual, I believe that's where I saw it.
i place my sesor bar at the bottom of the TV, but tell the wii it's located on top...

alignment is trivial, but this may help?

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