Should i get an xbox?


Call of Duty addict :)
Feb 7, 2009
London, UK
Wii Online Code
its my birthday tomorrow and i've asked for money but i don't know if its worth getting an xbox. I'm worried that if i do they're going to release another one like a few months later. Thanks
Yeah man, the 360 is going to be out for awhile still.

And its worth it too, great games all around on this platform.
get one!!
if you like online play yeah. me personally hated it without online play. LOve single player games and all my top 10 games are almost all single player. but withough online 360 has 2 uses dvd player. and games console. with it it has a 1000 uses. :)
you should have gone for a ps3 i can tell you know that you will regret the 360 when it blows up in your face
you should have gone for a ps3 i can tell you know that you will regret the 360 when it blows up in your face

Then he can just take it back to the store and get another one.
you should have gone for a ps3 i can tell you know that you will regret the 360 when it blows up in your face

My 360 has dropped 3/4 foot twice and it works perfectly fine. It even red ringed but I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it works better than ever.

You're poking a dead horse. PS3 now has games and 360's now work, so get the hell over it you pathetic fanboy.
PS3 are more reliable than 360's but you cant go wrong with either, i prefer the ps3 cuz it has a blu-ray player and the game selection and exclusives are more attractive. Hope this helps
My 360 has actually been more reliable than my Wii. I bought it used it hasn't had any problems at all, but my Wii just broke for the second time. Weird thing is both times it broke it wasn't even touched for months.

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