Should we have a Guitar Hero Tourney?


Jan 27, 2009
Wii Online Code
Cause I'm thinking of starting one.
(I know this can be moving to the Tournaments section, but it's not set in stone whether or not I'll start it)

Competitors MUST be on either hard/expert difficulty guitar.

If I DOO start a tourney, this is the list of people who are in so far.

1. elopez994
2. RockerJ
3. pYRo

Please leave your FC.
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Well, I'm not gonna start the tourney till next week. That should give you enough time to get your FC back. I have no way of getting it for you. You can have my FC. It's in my sig.
don't start it in a weak. thats not a lot of time.

i won't join cause i'm on medium still.

also if you want this in the tournament section then PM me with all the details and i can set it up as an official one
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I'll set it up in a couple weeks then.

I can't set it up as "official" yet cause not enough people are in it, but when it is, I'll PM you.
i could be in it.

is it going to be a face off tourney or just a submit your scores type one.

ill get my fc later but the submit your scores type one would be better for me cos i cant always be available to play.
[STRIKE]No, we shouldn't. Now back to your cave.[/STRIKE]

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