---Sig Requests---


WiiChat Member
Okay, so this is how its going to break down

Im now taking signature requests because i have noticed alot of people need some nicer sig's :p

Please keep my thread clean, Only post for the signature itself and a remind if you feel its necessary

Please post with..

Sub text-
Render (Picture)-
Questions, Comments-

And anything else you can think of.. If you are not sure what you want yet. fill in as much as possible and I will link you to a premade of that style.. If you like the premade.. you can either get that.. Or i will make a you personal one of that style

Thats basically what i ask for..

Im sorry if i can't get to work right away.. School has started again for most of us..

***I will not be doing video signatures such as Wiired's works***

Usually, it is customary to display some of your favorite works.
Wishale said:
Okay, so this is how its going to break down

Im now taking signature requests because i have noticed alot of people need some nicer sig's :p
Hope you dont mean me
he said he isnt dong videos maybe if you ask wiired (hes nice lol) oh and chuck in some smilies he loves em
Can I get one maybe?? Something that is SNES FF3 related. With Sabin and Terra maybe. I'm not sure where to go about getting pictures.
ok...i want...a signature...thats mixed between....the New Jersey Devils....and the green bay Packers.....do a little research if you dont know who they are....im sure you know the devils..but possible not the packers....and i dont really have a text for either but i want them to be like one side Devils other side Packers.....but not like a line to split it....it like slowly change colors into the other team....like Devils are red and black....slowly change into....green and yellow....with of course the logos of the teams in it.....hope not to much to ask for.
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JCpackers05 said:
ok...i want...a signature...thats mixed between....the New Jersey Devils....and the green bay Packers.....do a little research if you dont know who they are....im sure you know the devils..but possible not the packers....and i dont really have a text for either but i want them to be like one side Devils other side Packers.....but not like a line to split it....it like slowly change colors into the other team....like Devils are red and black....slowly change into....green and yellow....with of course the logos of the teams in it.....hope not to much to ask for.
Hmmm, I think i understand.. Do you have an example..

And sorry guys.. I think photobucket just had some problems.. because i lost all my work that is on it.. It's all back backed up on myt old laptop though.. No worries.. I'll be back up soon..

Also.. What did i say about keeping my thread clean.. Tsk, Tsk guys... That "lol" spam stuff was really poor.. Your lucky i don't just give you a crash course on spamming and flaming..
Any spam from here on is will be reported to i0n and or another mod.. Thank you for your co-operation

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