Something for the NES loving girl on the go


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Not as cool as NES Shoe (or as playable) but still its something for her



This old school NES controller purse was handcrafted by artist inhope. The bag was stitched together from pieces of handcut vinyl, and is a dead ringer for the iconic grey, black and red 8-bit controller.
Measuring in at 14-inches wide by 8-inches high, you might be able to cram in an original Nintendo Entertainment System, but you probably couldn’t keep you lipstick and cell phone in there too. On the other hand, you could definitely tote around your DS and a bunch of gameswith plenty of room to spare. Or if you’re feeling really nostalgic, you could always carry an FC Mobile handheld if you prefer something a little more apropos.
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It would be easy to make if you had a bit of creativity

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