Sonic is dead...almost


Feb 10, 2007
Sega wants you to vote for a new franchise to help Sega now that they are incapable of making a great Sonic game.

Vote for which franchise you'd like to resurrect!

My thoughts:

Samba De Amigo - I'd love for this to come back, it was simple yet fun. They could make use of the wiimote speakers to get the beany sound and it'd be perfect with two wiimotes.

Street of Rage - I can't see Sega being able to bring it back unless they stick to the original formula. It'd probably end up like Final Fight for the PS2 except even crappier.

Flicky - IDK how the hell that would work out being such an old game. BTW the birds from the Sonic games are from this game.

Virtua Cop - I can imagine them making it into some crappy FPS game, so no.

Nights - This game I want most and the one I voted for. I doubt they'd be able to make it work but I'd like to see them atleast try.
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Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
Yeah right its just a poll

It's just a poll on Sega's homesite! Yeah you're right, they just put it out there for no reason, but FUN.
thats sad....after the blue hedgehog is gone....gaming will seem a little empty...but just a little! Sonic has been around FOREVER! I just hope they flip the series a different way....not destroy it!
Nights - the wiis perfect but Naka has stated that nights was a one off

Panzer dragoon saga - want a remake with the ending fully finished (you endup in the vally go to the meating point and shes not there)

Dragon force - on the ds

Mass destruction (a tank game on the psx/saturn that was fun) - no idea how thed make it better

Yars revenge - no dont its perfect

Death tank - keep it the same just make it easyer to get
Sonic will never die..his games were always fun, they just have'nt had the same impact as is old consoles(genesis etc..)
VIrtua cop - Played the recent one in the arcades (virua cop 3)
The wii needs some good gun games so

House of the dead - Need a good home version the saturn version was rubish
Viruta cop would be my pick I also would like to see nights again. The wii mote would be a perfect fit

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