SUPER MARIO GALAXY-The Greatest of all games


WiiChat Member
Apr 6, 2007
Miyamoto was quoted as saying "this is the best mario game ever". After looking at some screens and vids it sure looks like it. Just like what the original did, this game might even do the same,though mario can't get any more famous then he already is. Super Mario Galaxy looks beautiful and will shut up everyone who has criticised the wii for graphics, it looks different,original,fun,creative, we've seen super paper mario and how it has changed a genre now SMG might change the gaming world.

For some reason the game looks so epic and flawless and i believe that it could be one of the greatest video games ever produced, what do you guys think and how might it do on opening day?
anyone heard anything about the multiplayer that's supposed to be in galaxy?
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apparently it has a co-op mode maybe even through online, that would actually be sweeet but im more concerned with the story and single player expeirence same with prime 3.
callme.nasty said:
i think it looks garbage.

Im looking foward to this game. Just not looking foward to people like this. Funny thing is when the game comes out people like this are first inline to buy it. and Please dont post crap. Yes crap. If ya dont like something keep it to yourself. Makes everyone and myself feel a lot better.

I've seen some videos on galaxy and I really cant wait for this.
Samus101 said:
Then you've got mental issues. :eek:ut:

yup. everybody has to love the same games. Just because mario's in space doesn't make it an awesome game. To me it just looks like a bunch of little planets that you jump around on, each with about one thing to do. I'd rather have giant worlds like Mario 64. But whatever, you fanboys can go crazy over it.
Darkonix said:
Im looking foward to this game. Just not looking foward to people like this. Funny thing is when the game comes out people like this are first inline to buy it. and Please dont post crap. Yes crap. If ya dont like something keep it to yourself. Makes everyone and myself feel a lot better.

I've seen some videos on galaxy and I really cant wait for this.

its called a forum buddy. if you don't want peoples opinion then you can get the hell out.
:) I've seen the trailers and I'm not sure if I'm impressed or not, I really don't understand how the game works.
callme.nasty said:
its called a forum buddy. if you don't want peoples opinion then you can get the hell out.

Why don't YOU get out. Your opinions just seem to be the Wii is a horrible system and all the games are horrible. Super Mario Galaxy is going to be a great game. You don't have to be a fanboy to appreciate how great the graphics look (on a Wii standard that is) and how incredible the game looks as a whole.

I'm definitely going to get it. This whole co-oop thing though sounds stupid to me. Like REALLY out of your mind completely stupid.
I think the co-op will fail but no one will use it and it doesn't need mini-games because of Mario Party 8
I honestly can't wait for this game. This looks to be the best game for Wii, besides Zelda.
Yeah, you can't help but be excited for this game to come out. The gameplay, above all, just looks soo original that it will surely be epic. I can't wait.
MasterJedi2U said:
Why don't YOU get out. Your opinions just seem to be the Wii is a horrible system and all the games are horrible. Super Mario Galaxy is going to be a great game. You don't have to be a fanboy to appreciate how great the graphics look (on a Wii standard that is) and how incredible the game looks as a whole.

I'm definitely going to get it. This whole co-oop thing though sounds stupid to me. Like REALLY out of your mind completely stupid.

if i hated the wii then why would i be here? i have a wii, and i think its a great system. however, you can't deny how badly the wii is lacking in the games department. but, its a new system and thats how things go. there are tons of games i'm looking forward to. infact i'll probably even get mario galaxy to see what its like. i think it looks incredibly dull compared to mario 64, but i'm getting kind of bored with my wii at the moment and i could use some more games. but hey, maybe ssbb will be out by then and i won't have to waist my money on this.

And is having great graphics really a selling point to you for this game? i thought the whole thing about the Wii is that its all about gameplay? sure, these graphics look awesome. but i think the gameplay just doesn't look very good. And i'm not the only one in here that thinks so.
callme.nasty said:
yup. everybody has to love the same games. Just because mario's in space doesn't make it an awesome game. To me it just looks like a bunch of little planets that you jump around on, each with about one thing to do. I'd rather have giant worlds like Mario 64. But whatever, you fanboys can go crazy over it.
a bunch of little planets that you jump around on, each with about 1 thing to do is the best thing about this game.

Each planet has VERY UNIQUE design that other planets don't have!
that's where the creativity and idea come from and that's what makes the mario so good.

It's like Zelda where each dungeon has very unique puzzles that other dungeons don't have except Mario game isn't as frustrating as zelda is.
That's what I don't like about just makes me get frustrated.