tecmo bo


WiiChat Member
Apr 8, 2009
the first VC game i downloaded was tecmo bowl. i know that nintendo can't use NFL team or player names anymore, but they've kept the player's jersey numbers and stats pretty much the same. why isn't "tecmo bo" dominant in any way/shape/matter/form? half the fun of playing the game was playing as him.
the first VC game i downloaded was tecmo bowl. i know that nintendo can't use NFL team or player names anymore, but they've kept the player's jersey numbers and stats pretty much the same. why isn't "tecmo bo" dominant in any way/shape/matter/form? half the fun of playing the game was playing as him.

As this sites self proclaimed Tecmo master......WTF are you talking about?!?!?!?!?!?

You just made all fans of the game appear 134509182347X more stupid.

What do you want? Nintendo to retire numbers 1-99?

Who is him? It sounds like you are reffering to a foootball player in a Biblical sense........LT?????

Why would a game frmo 1994 be dominant in any way shape or form in 2009???

You just made fans of American Football look even worse than they already make themselves look.

I've been a season ticket holder for the Jacksonville Jags since '05, so dont be confused, I'm a fan. Some of you retards need to disappear tho.

I've had so many bad experiences and violent run-is I cant even count them.
the first VC game i downloaded was tecmo bowl. i know that nintendo can't use NFL team or player names anymore, but they've kept the player's jersey numbers and stats pretty much the same. why isn't "tecmo bo" dominant in any way/shape/matter/form? half the fun of playing the game was playing as him.
They couldn't include the real names for licensing reasons.
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As this sites self proclaimed Tecmo master......WTF are you talking about?!?!?!?!?!?

You just made all fans of the game appear 134509182347X more stupid.

What do you want? Nintendo to retire numbers 1-99?

Who is him? It sounds like you are reffering to a foootball player in a Biblical sense........LT?????

Why would a game frmo 1994 be dominant in any way shape or form in 2009???

You just made fans of American Football look even worse than they already make themselves look.

I've been a season ticket holder for the Jacksonville Jags since '05, so dont be confused, I'm a fan. Some of you retards need to disappear tho.

I've had so many bad experiences and violent run-is I cant even count them.

first off, you look even dumber for saying the game came out in 1994. it came out in '89. second, i asked about a single player, not the game as a whole, you stupid **********. i know a game from 1989 can't compare to today's games. jesus christ! "tecmo bo" is the nickname given to bo jackson's character in the game. that's why i titled the thread as such. read this http://proxy.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/030821 if you want to learn more about him. and nice job buying season tickets for a shitty football team. money well spent. asshole.

So why bring up the subject?

because half the fun of playing the game was running plays for bo jackson and having him run over everyone and break 90 tackles, even when his play got called. in the VC game, #34 is still pretty fast, but he can't break tackles for ****. many of the other teams (like san francisco) are still as good as in the original game. you would think nintendo would keep the spirit of bo alive for the VC.
because half the fun of playing the game was running plays for bo jackson and having him run over everyone and break 90 tackles, even when his play got called. in the VC game, #34 is still pretty fast, but he can't break tackles for ****. many of the other teams (like san francisco) are still as good as in the original game. you would think nintendo would keep the spirit of bo alive for the VC.
Can't you just pretend he has his old name or something? I mean, as a NES game it wasn't very realistic to begin with.
first off, you look even dumber for saying the game came out in 1994. it came out in '89. second, i asked about a single player, not the game as a whole, you stupid **********. i know a game from 1989 can't compare to today's games. jesus christ! "tecmo bo" is the nickname given to bo jackson's character in the game. that's why i titled the thread as such. read this http://proxy.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/030821 if you want to learn more about him. and nice job buying season tickets for a shitty football team. money well spent. asshole.

because half the fun of playing the game was running plays for bo jackson and having him run over everyone and break 90 tackles, even when his play got called. in the VC game, #34 is still pretty fast, but he can't break tackles for ****. many of the other teams (like san francisco) are still as good as in the original game. you would think nintendo would keep the spirit of bo alive for the VC.

People shouldnt start dumb-ass threads cluttering the site and wasting bandwidth.

Your first post above sounds like a first grader wrote it, and I wouldnt go around assuming anyone knew what you were talking about when you say "why cant we play as him"? We arent mind readers. There are tons of Tecmo Bowl threads on here already where people communicated ideas back and forth.

I dont give a **** what your pet names are for jack ****. Just go read your original post again. It should explain itself. Thats why I accused you of being a typical dumb-ass football fan from the ESPN culture.

Really the game came out in 1989? Well, everyone dressed like a jackass and listened to Kid and Play from 1987-1994 so it really didnt make a difference to me which random year I threw out there. I could have just looked on my ****ing game cartridge if I needed to report more accurately to you.

Bo Jackson sucks anyways. Too Injury prone and over-hyped. You just thought he was a bad-ass because he was in commercials, much like the modern day idiot praises Vince Young and Reggie Bush. While I'm at it both the Raiders and the K.C Royals suck.

I have a Donruss Bo Jackson Rookie card and its worth about $10. Why is that again?

Jacksonville Jaguars:The Jaguars, in fact, have become one of the most consistently competitive teams in the league, with seven winning campaigns in 13 NFL seasons and enviable consistency: three leading quarterbacks and two head coaches over 13 years is fairly rare, and also quite necessary in a league where institutional stability seems to preface onfield success. The fact that such a young franchise boasts the league’s 8th-best winning percentage is a tribute to this consistency. Also made an expansion-team record four playoff appearances in its first five years in the league. Went to AFC Championship game in 1999.

The Jags were also voted in the top 5 last year of ALL PROFESSIONAL SPORTS FRANCHISES by ESPN as the top game day experience, which is attributed to the Jags High win percentages, lowest ticket prices in the NFL, and state-of-the art facilities, etc. Thats out of NFL, NHL, MLB, and NBA.

The Raiders? picked dead last in your division every year.


BTW, Bo Jackson = Marcus Allen < LT < Thurman Thomas
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People shouldnt start dumb-ass threads cluttering the site and wasting bandwidth.

Your first post above sounds like a first grader wrote it, and I wouldnt go around assuming anyone knew what you were talking about when you say "why cant we play as him"? We arent mind readers. There are tons of Tecmo Bowl threads on here already where people communicated ideas back and forth.

I dont give a **** what your pet names are for jack ****. Just go read your original post again. It should explain itself. Thats why I accused you of being a typical dumb-ass football fan from the ESPN culture.

Really the game came out in 1989? Well, everyone dressed like a jackass and listened to Kid and Play from 1987-1994 so it really didnt make a difference to me which random year I threw out there. I could have just looked on my ****ing game cartridge if I needed to report more accurately to you.

Bo Jackson sucks anyways. Too Injury prone and over-hyped. You just thought he was a bad-ass because he was in commercials, much like the modern day idiot praises Vince Young and Reggie Bush. While I'm at it both the Raiders and the K.C Royals suck.

I have a Donruss Bo Jackson Rookie card and its worth about $10. Why is that again?

Jacksonville Jaguars:The Jaguars, in fact, have become one of the most consistently competitive teams in the league, with seven winning campaigns in 13 NFL seasons and enviable consistency: three leading quarterbacks and two head coaches over 13 years is fairly rare, and also quite necessary in a league where institutional stability seems to preface onfield success. The fact that such a young franchise boasts the league’s 8th-best winning percentage is a tribute to this consistency. Also made an expansion-team record four playoff appearances in its first five years in the league. Went to AFC Championship game in 1999.

The Jags were also voted in the top 5 last year of ALL PROFESSIONAL SPORTS FRANCHISES by ESPN as the top game day experience, which is attributed to the Jags High win percentages, lowest ticket prices in the NFL, and state-of-the art facilities, etc. Thats out of NFL, NHL, MLB, and NBA.

The Raiders? picked dead last in your division every year.


BTW, Bo Jackson = Marcus Allen < LT < Thurman Thomas

i'm glad you went on such a diatribe on this.:thumbsup: first, being the self-professed master of tecmo bowl you claim to be, you should've known when the game came out and why there is such reverance for "tecmo bo". outside of that, i could give 2 shits about bo jackson or the LA/oakland raiders. second, when you have to talk about "game-day experience" and "1999 afc championship" to prop up your favorite football team (which shows how unknowledgable a fan you are, since they went to the '96 afc title game as well), then you know it's time to pack it in.

Can't you just pretend he has his old name or something? I mean, as a NES game it wasn't very realistic to begin with.

you're missing the point completely. he could be named "conan the homosexual librarian" for all i care. the fact nintendo took away the fun of playing with the character while keeping just about everything else the same is kind of a rip off.
i'm glad you went on such a diatribe on this.:thumbsup: first, being the self-professed master of tecmo bowl you claim to be, you should've known when the game came out and why there is such reverance for "tecmo bo". outside of that, i could give 2 shits about bo jackson or the LA/oakland raiders. second, when you have to talk about "game-day experience" and "1999 afc championship" to prop up your favorite football team (which shows how unknowledgable a fan you are, since they went to the '96 afc title game as well), then you know it's time to pack it in.

you're missing the point completely. he could be named "conan the homosexual librarian" for all i care. the fact nintendo took away the fun of playing with the character while keeping just about everything else the same is kind of a rip off.

whoa whoa, just cuz I threw out a year while mocking you doesnt mean I dont know what year it was made dickhead, and anyone can know real quick when they are sitting at a computer right? so no point in arguing that. I know it wasnt 94 you stupid piece of ****, cuz TEcmo Super Bowl was before 1994 and they didnt really make many NES games at that point did they?!@?! ?? Also, My team came out in 95......so now we all know the time frame right??? ok.

Ouch you got me. Jags fans have the 99 season stuck up their asses because we were 14-2 our best record.........its kind of a Freudian slip

Im glad you have time to sit here and research my favorite team. That doesnt change our winning record.

Keep going on and on about tecmo "bo"......please......I dont think we get it yet. Bo Jackson is just as good as the other star running backs in the game. I will kick your ass with any team and you can use Tecmo BO.


Its not the first VC hardship we have had to go through, so we dont care about your Bo Jackson fantasies.

Hey, I just went back and read your original post so I could remember what a dumbass you are.
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whoa whoa, just cuz I threw out a year while mocking you doesnt mean I dont know what year it was made dickhead, and anyone can know real quick when they are sitting at a computer right? so no point in arguing that. I know it wasnt 94 you stupid piece of ****, cuz TEcmo Super Bowl was before 1994 and they didnt really make many NES games at that point did they?!@?! ?? Also, My team came out in 95......so now we all know the time frame right??? ok.

Ouch you got me. Jags fans have the 99 season stuck up their asses because we were 14-2 our best record.........its kind of a Freudian slip

Im glad you have time to sit here and research my favorite team. That doesnt change our winning record.

didn't need to do research. i just knew it off the top of my head, and i'm not a super fan of theirs pissing away my money. and great, they went 14-2 10 years ago. it didn't mean **** because they watched the super bowl from their couches like everyone else that year.
didn't need to do research. i just knew it off the top of my head, and i'm not a super fan of theirs pissing away my money. and great, they went 14-2 10 years ago. it didn't mean **** because they watched the super bowl from their couches like everyone else that year.

welcome to wiichat

We went to round 2 of the playoffs in 08 after we beat the Stealers at home twice that year which has never happened since the teams (stealers) inception. What team are you even rooting for here?
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welcome to wiichat

We went to round 2 of the playoffs in 08 after we beat the Stealers at home twice that year which has never happened since the teams (stealers) inception. What team are you even rooting for here?

wow. stand back. now he's bragging about making the divisional round of the playoffs. even though my team hasn't won a playoff game since '96, the dallas cowboys have enough of a history of winning where they could go winless in the playoffs for the next 25 years and still have more accomplishments than 80-90% of the NFL. and before you go on another rant, i'm a legit fan who grew up in the middle of redskin country. i'm 31, so my first real memories of the team were from the mid-80's, when they started to suck. i was there for 1-15. i was there for the super bowls (do you know what those are? no). i was there for the dave campo experience. do you really need their list of championships and accomplishments? i have a couple hours to write them out if you do.
wow. stand back. now he's bragging about making the divisional round of the playoffs. even though my team hasn't won a playoff game since '96, the dallas cowboys have enough of a history of winning where they could go winless in the playoffs for the next 25 years and still have more accomplishments than 80-90% of the NFL. and before you go on another rant, i'm a legit fan who grew up in the middle of redskin country. i'm 31, so my first real memories of the team were from the mid-80's, when they started to suck. i was there for 1-15. i was there for the super bowls (do you know what those are? no). i was there for the dave campo experience. do you really need their list of championships and accomplishments? i have a couple hours to write them out if you do.

Thus you are a hippocrate. You make fun of my team for its accomplishments from 1999 and here you are wanting a parade in your honor for being a fan of the trendiest overrated team that hasnt won **** since 1996...........

You want to brag about a teams accomplishment from 40 years ago when you arent from there/ had nothing to do with the building of that city's history and traditions?

Im talking about right now, and right now your team hasnt won **** in forever. You just put them down for getting into round 2 of the playoffs in 08 yet your team is so far from accomplishing the same.

Tony Homo sucks. And hey, I was there the last time the Cowboys and Jags played in either 06-07, cant remember, right when they got TO and guess who won????? not you.

Through all this bitching, I wanted to make sure you got something clear. They did not change ANYTHING to do with a players stats. The only thing they changed was copyrighted material. If you would have just asked something like that at the beginning with semi decent punctuation/ grammar, we would have understood you.
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Thus you are a hippocrate. You make fun of my team for its accomplishments from 1999 and here you are wanting a parade in your honor for being a fan of the trendiest overrated team that hasnt won **** since 1996...........

You want to brag about a teams accomplishment from 40 years ago when you arent from there/ had nothing to do with the building of that city's history and traditions?

Im talking about right now, and right now your team hasnt won **** in forever. You just put them down for getting into round 2 of the playoffs in 08 yet your team is so far from accomplishing the same.

Tony Homo sucks. And hey, I was there the last time the Cowboys and Jags played in either 06-07, cant remember, right when they got TO and guess who won????? not you.

sweet. so you're reduced to bragging about a regular season game from 3 years ago (which romo didn't play in) and my team not winning anything since 1996. just so you know, the cowboys did more in their first 15 years of existence than jacksonville has (2 NFC titles, 1 super bowl win). you think the jags will turn it on in the next few years and start racking up lombardi trophies? neither do i. you sound like an eagles fan puffing out your chest about what your team *almost* did. "hey! remember when we almost made the super bowl that year?" here's a list of the cowboys accomplishments:

2nd most valuable franchise on earth ($1.6 billion)
160 consecutive games (home/road) sold out- NFL record
20 consecutive winning seasons (1966-1985)- NFL record
25 seasons of 10 or more wins- NFL record
29 playoff appearances- NFL record
19 division titles- NFL record
most NFC championship game apperances-14
most NFC titles- 8
5 super bowl trophies
11 hall of famers (12 next year when emmitt smith is inducted)

when you break it down, in dallas' 50 year history, the vast majority of this came in the 30 year stretch between 1966-1995. jacksonville is entering year 15 of their existance in september. call me crazy, but i don't think they'll match ANY of the above records in the next 35.

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