That's it...


Ngiyabonga, my friend.
Jul 19, 2006
I've come to find most people here are errrm...younger...(13,14) I demand ages! I'm starting to feel old!!! *Cries*

Note: Someone add better smilies, please. Preferably a crying one cause it would help dramatize this post. Thanks ^.^
~Marisa~ said:
Good! I'm satisfied ^.^

now i feel old
I'm 21. I've been a Nintendo fan since the dys of the NES (I think roughly when I was around 8 or something). Before then, it was the Spectrum.

I'm glad this site has some older members. Too many forums on the web are dominated by immature 13 year olds (although everyone here seems to be mature!)
Squall7 said:
I've been a Nintendo fan since the dys of the NES
Same here, I'm 26. The 80's kicked ass.

The last few forums I have belonged to have been dominated by 14-15 yr olds, with very very few older members. So i'm glad to see a change. Although I feel there are going to be alot of kids (and teens) here because it is a nintendo forum and nintendo is directed towards a younger crowd.

BTW - iON, would it be possible to see the meatspin smily here?
<---meatspin smily, lol
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MMCD said:
i0n when's your bday?

mine's august 7th and i have a feeling mine is sooner than yours
im 17 on august the 8th im glad this forum has alot of mature people because the last few ive been on have had alot of flaming 12-15 year olds
respect is a good thing
Randomstickynote said:
Same here, I'm 26. The 80's kicked ass.

The last few forums I have belonged to have been dominated by 14-15 yr olds, with very very few older members. So i'm glad to see a change. Although I feel there are going to be alot of kids (and teens) here because it is a nintendo forum and nintendo is directed towards a younger crowd.
most of the forums i go to, 18 and under is considered young lol so i feel kida old here

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