The Angry Nintendo Nerd

Hahahhaa, that is frigg'n awesome man! I watched a crap load and I must admit that they are all pretty funny. The Friday the 13th one is pretty damn awesome! :lol: Good find.
I like his older ones most. The Karate Kid, Castlevania 3, and Back To The Future ones are great. Well, they all are. Can't wait for more of this guys stuff.
lol teenage mutant ninja turtle: You can just walk over it...YOU CAN JUST WALK OVER IT!!!!
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I'd knew you guys would enjoy this. :wink: :yesnod:
By the way, this was on one of i0n's threads, back when he posted it I had a blast playing the horrible games he reviews! So here is every NES game! Try to find the shitty ones they are great!

right now it wont load for me, but probably is just my comp
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I messaged him asking what he thinks of the Wii and if he will ever do a Power-Glove game for his show, this is his reply:

The wii is going to be awesome. And Zelda will be the greatest game ever made. And I am working on a power glove video.

Nice, eh?

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