The Founder(s) of WIICHAT, and a little more

Id of been on a forum for two years

Any plans for the secound brithday
Like maybe that interview thing ?
No tis a falbe of wiichat old
Onef dayf I sentf forthf a questionf sheetf tof ionf and menyf moonsf have been in passingf and itf haveff notf beenf seenf scincef f fff f fffff
(damn this olde English is hard)
How about sharing that red mushroom out to some people who deserve it for the two years thing?
i0n said:
10) I think you guys are ok, but one of you is a bit gay for not replying to my messages, I'm not sure which one it was, but it was one of you guys.

Probably Prez.
Lies, lol..
Darkprinny said:
How about a green musroom
Why does it look tasty?

ericlewis91 said:
so when did iOn come back?

ive been gone for so long!

He has always been least since like... August...I think.
He has always been on Staff chat and behind the scenes...or something what Syntax says every time there is something about i0n being gone...