The Latest Nintendo Wii Knockoff, aka the MiWi!!!...


WiiChat Member
Jan 15, 2008
Goodyear, Arizona
Wii Online Code
IDK if anyone has seen this yet, but if you have not, take a look at the latest Wii knockoff, I find it hilarious, who would buy this over buying a Wii, obviously it is probably $100 cheaper, but it is not worth the money saved haha. Just thought I'd share it with you guys/girls, sorry about the long link, but it is to a photo, so enjoy!
Welcome to 2006!
You must be new.
I thought to have Real Action at the exiting Console making retail MiWi. Thirsty ran to Sales Location worldwide when purchased High Powered Virtual System. Powering On discovery to Ultimate Play Move action with Virtual Cartridges. An Innovate never Dull funnest than Japenese Game Consoles
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actaully darkprinny, I am not new, if you would look at my pro and see the date when i joined you would have figured that out, i would of that you would know how to do that consideing you have over 13k posts, but i guess you did not know you could do that, and if you read what i wrote i put "IDK if anyone has seen this yet, but if you have not, take a look at the latest Wii knockoff" hence i put that saying that you may have seen it already but if not, cuz not everybody has seen this, and i thought it was funny. so thanks for being a total duechebag, next time just shut the f*** up would ya
actaully darkprinny, I am not new, if you would look at my pro and see the date when i joined you would have figured that out, i would of that you would know how to do that consideing you have over 13k posts, but i guess you did not know you could do that, and if you read what i wrote i put "IDK if anyone has seen this yet, but if you have not, take a look at the latest Wii knockoff" hence i put that saying that you may have seen it already but if not, cuz not everybody has seen this, and i thought it was funny. so thanks for being a total duechebag, next time just shut the f*** up would ya

Don't ya hate people with no sense of humor.

If I wanted to insult you I would of put "Wow. Get with the times. that is soooooooooooooo 2006"
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