The Number 23


Semper Ubi Sub Ubi
Nov 26, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
All I can say is "WOW.....wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowWOW"

I just got home a short while ago (1 am) from a late showing of The Number 23. It was by far the best film I've seen all year. To say the writing / directing was amazing would be a gross understatement. I never took my eyes off the screen. My girlfriend was actually getting kinda mad at me, half of a time I was leaning forward with my chin in my hand dead focused on the movie. like i said the writing / directing was brilliant, but the best part was Jim Carrey playing a serious role, and playing it DAMN WELL. Also, the use of colors, the reds and blacks especially, are fantastic, they really set a great tone for the film. One of the funnest parts of the film are looking for all the "23"s. Every now and then you'll see a license plate that adds up to 23, a building number that adds to 23, and sometimes they come flat out with a number 23. Some were hard to see, but if you got it, it was kinda like finally picking up on a Fightclub thing. One I picked up on was that one of the characters plays a sax in the movie. An F# alto sax (the one he plays) has.....23 keys. It's one of those things that just hits you and it makes you want to say"OMGOMGOMG that's 23!!!!"

The movie from what I hear has been getting mixed reviews. Frankly I can't understand how. I never trust those idiots that do movie reviews for the papers. Most of them are just cynical. I'll be willing to bet they are just still blown away from Carrey doing something other than Ace Ventura. And c'mon ... It's a lot better than Joel Schumacher's work with Batman and Robin :prrr:

Two small side notes:

This is Joel Schumacher's 23rd film....yup.

And, Virginia Madsen plays Carrey's wife in the film, who is also going to be in the Astronaut Farmer, which I'm also very excited to see.


So yeah, all and all it was an amazing film. Everyone needs to go see it ^-^
i would be not be thrilled cause its jim carrey and he makes me laugh with most of his films and i would laugh at this film just the same
from what ive seen it seemed insane by how they figured the number 23 was so special
it reminded me of the whole Wii thing where people though
VV I I, which meant it would come out October (5+5) 2nd (1+1)
I don't even know why people thought that stupid **** was true...
Sovieto said:
from what ive seen it seemed insane by how they figured the number 23 was so special
it reminded me of the whole Wii thing where people though
VV I I, which meant it would come out October (5+5) 2nd (1+1)
I don't even know why people thought that stupid **** was true...

LOL thats stupid that it spells Wii.... But it came out Dec 8th in England so...

[6+6] And [4+4]

But yeah The Number 23 seems cool. I wanna see if a Comedian can pull off such a film :) and I take Media in College so if it's cool I can recommend it to be seen in class when it comes out on DVD :)
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I'm not sure Jim Carrey is the right choice for this film, but I did think The Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine were both great, so I might go see it.
It got horible reviews!but i still want to see it!

my dad met Jim Carrey(there both actors)
you wouldnt no him he hasnt been in that many big things but he's met alot of famous peeps.
you might no my mom she was in total recall as the doctor who has to send arnold shwartz on his vacation to mars.
Looks like a good movie. It was either this or Reno and I chose the latter. Guess i'll be watching this movie next weekend :D (btw, Reno is really really funny if you're into the show and any Napoleon Dynamate-ish type movies, is was basically a nonstop laugh fest except for 5 seconds near the end :lol:)
MetroidZ said:
I'm sorry, but I can't take Jim Kerry seriously, I am used to his comedy films (ace ventura: pet detective is just a classic). But I might still check it out.
Yah, just like in King Kong, it's so hard to take Jack Black seriously, it throws off your concentration of the movie.