The WiiFit 10


Super Ninjarator
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code
WiiLoaded said:
All of you know, or should know, that one of the hottest gaming events of the year is taking place right now; The Games Developers Conference. It is around this time that all the juicy gossip about the latest and up-coming releases is revealed from the event. Recently, information about the Wii Balance Board was revealed at the conference.

According to one of the main guests at GDC, the President of Nintendo America Reggie Fils-Aime, Wii Fit is just the start of a number of games that will be compatible with the Wii Balance Board.

Recently, at the conference, Reggie stated that there are a total of ten games currently in development that will use the balance board; which is being sold with Wii Fit:

"There are over ten games in development that take advantage of the Balance Board," he said. "Certainly in terms of ongoing enjoyment, we believe that Wii Fit plus the Balance Board will provide that to the consumer."

When CVG asked Nintendo UK whether these games in development are going to be Wiiware titles or fully released titles, Nintendo chose to be a tease and decided that they wasn't up for revealing anymore information.

Whether this means more games like Wii Fit or possibly a skateboarding or snowboarding title remains to be seen, however the board does have some amazing potential.

An article touching upon the ten up coming wii games. We know a 'skating' game has been leaked but that is it so far.
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Fillieto said:
I tought E3 was more popular than GDC?

They're both big events.

E3 is no longer open to the public, invite only. E3 has always been a really big event but it slowed down last year due to not many people there (still a large amount were there).
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brad-bot said:
cant wait for wii fit and we get it a month before usa get in the europe rocks


I'll never like them, for years and years we have come last and giving us WiiFit and Mario kart before NTSC won't make me forgive NoE.
Skating and Snowboarding are the leaked games I believe.
Which is good, hopefully this peripheral gets put to good use.
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CantGetAWii said:
Skating and Snowboarding are the leaked games I believe.
Which is good, hopefully this peripheral gets put to good use.

Such a big thing for Nintendo so yes I would expect many titles to utilize it.

Skating, snowboarding, skiing, on rail shooters (leaning) and many more possibilities.

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