the_loose_cannon likes to cover all her bases apparently



and somewhere deep in my boyfriends garage, BEHOLD! in a gymbag was the original Xbox.

now normally i would of just closed the bag up and hid it again because i want to stay faithful to my nintendo roots but you know me! im a rebel and jumped for joy and now my bf has given me his old xbox w00t!

one problem though......seems to be that the component cable and the wall cable are MISSING :yikes:

wheres a good place to get cheapo cables? i tried dealextreme but they have only new 360 stuff. ebay would probably be my best bet right? also cheap games too. seems that there were no games in this bag (just the console, the TV screen to make it portable- remember those things?!?!-, 2 controllers, a memory card and misc cables that were for a playstation and a computer monitor plug lol)

i noticed gamestop had cheap used games for under 20$ but think ebay would be cheaper for some of the better titles like DDR, and guitar hero? hmmmm

thanks guys!
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is it? i honestly dont know. i know DDR was and karaoke revolution and all that fun stuff.....hmmm.

either way, just cheap fun got to have em games.
yea guitar hero was never on the original xbox because by the time guitar hero 1 launched the xbox 360 was basically launching and plus red octane was a sony exclusive but it isnt anymore thanks to the ps3's very low sales lol
Sovieto said:
get halo 1, bloodwake (awesome boat fighting game), and kung fu chaos (cheesy fighting game)!
KUNG FU CHAOS! That was probably the first Xbox game that I played, great fun. :yesnod:
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lucky for me, im now the proud owner of av cables and an AC cord curtacy ala ebay for 4$ and 5$ shipping (the way i see it, who cares if the shipping is more than the items- for the 2 it kinda pays out its not that rediculous)

now on for games. i didnt find many good ones on ebay so maybe im missing something? what should i search for? where can i get cheap games that cost next to nothing?

amazon was a RIP OFF! $12 for DDR used but they wanted like 30$ shipping!!! :yikes:

what do you guys say? gimme some links!!! :)
Fable -Chicken football -Also to see how you turn out

Conker - Ahhhhhhhhh cute squerel
well some random ones i have for you to look at:

toejam & earl <-- WERID! (you nes/snes ppl will know)

Stubbz the zombie <-- Awesome!

lesure suit larry - magma c(you)m <-- uhhmmmm.....

Shadow the hedgehog <-- Not bad

Fable <-- Not bad

Halo 1 & 2 <-- Cool!

ive got loads more (bout 40)

And Prinny, never knew conker had another game (only heared to the gameboy one "pocket tales", ive still got it)
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what at gamestop? games? yeah i noticed online. plus theres some extra 5$ off trade games so ill have to check that out (said something about being availble online only)

im looking for 10$ games or less. i know for the more popular titles ill have to pay more but i want little or no shipping attached to it
The_Loose_Cannon said:
what at gamestop? games? yeah i noticed online. plus theres some extra 5$ off trade games so ill have to check that out (said something about being availble online only)

im looking for 10$ games or less. i know for the more popular titles ill have to pay more but i want little or no shipping attached to it
go to gamestop and if you find kung fu chaos or bloodwake, theyll def. be under $10, halo might not be..but those KEY titles. (even though bloodwake and kung fu chaos were largely underrated)
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  • #14
i remember playing halo 2 on xbox when my boyfriend had it.....infact we had like a bunch of games just have NO idea what ever happend to them.....either A) they are in a different bag in the garage somewhere, B) his brother sold them/traded them in C) they vanished into thin air lol

either way i didnt like the games he owned when he had it and he had only like 4 (football that i bought him - i did like that though, halo 2, starwars racing game, and some soccer game. OH and def jam vendetta that was awesome lol)

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