Turn your PC into a Mac !


Oct 13, 2006
Wii Online Code
Alright so if you haven't read the title, this thread will show you how to turn your Windows XP with firefox into a Max userface !


Step 1: Make this image your desktop wallpaper.

Step 2: Right click your newly found wallpaper. Click Arrange Icons By. Uncheck view icons.

Step 3: Download this firefox theme.

Step 4: Download this 15 day trial of StarkSkin.

Step 5:
Download this XP theme.

Step 6: Download ObjectDock.

Step 7: Customize ObjectDock !

We are Done ! These are just the basics. I will update this soon to make it more clear and detailed. Maybe even add in some log-on and boot screens.



Internet [When mouse is not hovering at the bottom of the screen]
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Yeah, Mac looks pretty nice.
no it doesnt

cool idea..i already have objectdock. i might do that
or you could just download linux. i can get almost an exact replica of a mac interface w/ my comp. running ubuntu
Or you could quit being a cheap douche and buy a Mac. :)

And is it just me, or does most of that stuff not look like anything that Apple would produce? There are much better themes that actually look slightly like Apple's design. When I had my Windoze box I made it look like OS X for some reason. But then I realized how insulting it is to Apple to dress a **** OS with a replica of their design.


Or, like mentioned earlier, get Linux. It is already very similar to OS X since they are both based on Unix, and ca be made to look very, very, similar to OS X.


That is in Linux, and it looks pretty damn close to Leopard.

i did hat once LOL allthe power of windows with the nice looks of mac

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